Pastor Bryan Longworth

Pastor Bryan Longworth

Pastor Bryan Longworth is the number one ranked prolifer and Tea Party Advocate on Twitter (@BryanLongworth) with over 235,000 followers, serves as the director of Personhood FL, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment that will end abortion and protect all innocent human life in FL, as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth is a Wall Builders Black Robe Regiment Pastor and a Family Research Council (FRC) Watchmen on the Wall Pastor. Longworth has participated in the Alliance Defense Fund's (ADF) Pulpit Freedom Sunday since 2010. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 60 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity! Pastor Bryan is married to Jessica Longworth. Together they have two children.

Author's posts

Indian River Tea Party Hosts Vero Beach City Council Candidate Forum

What: Indian River Tea Party Hosts Vero Beach City Council Candidate Forum
Where: Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Center, 1707 16th Street, Vero Beach, FL
Date: Tuesday, October 12th
Time: 6:30 PM

40 Days to Vote – Endorsement – Campaign Fundraiser

In 40 Days we will vote on candidates and amendments that provide the opportunity to fundamentally change our cities, counties, states, and nation, for the better or for the worse. (We’ve seen plenty of the former type of change lately.) To aid you in your selection of candidates and amendments, we will soon have state Christian Coalition Voter Guides available for all counties and local Christian Coalition voter guides available for St Lucie County. I will also endorse or support local, state, and federal candidates and take positions on the proposed constitutional amendments. Today, I announce my endorsement and a campaign fundraiser for the candidate I endorse in Port St Lucie City Council, District 1.

Don’t Like What’s Happening in Government? Do Something About It!

Are you as tired as I am at seeing liberal candidates whose policies are destroying our cities, counties, states, and nation get elected? Are you tired of seeing your God given rights trampled? Are you tired of seeing good, conservative candidates and the values we hold dear lose? Then, you must turn off the TV, get off of your couch, and join me in campaigning for conservative candidates. I’ll tell you how you can be involved below, but first

Prayer at the Crossroads of Abortion and Life

Join local 40 Days For Life Participants at the Intersection of Life and Death, to Pray for Life. Each year, 1,000 women hurt and babies are killed at the Ft. Pierce abortuary. Directly across the street, Pregnancy Care Center offers free help to women who choose life for their baby.

$500,000 of Your Local Tax Dollars will Support Planned Parenthood, if You Don’t Stand Up!

Are your LOCAL taxes being used to fund Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the USA? YES! The running total is $3.5 million tax dollars in the last several years that the CSC has funded to Planned Parenthood; Planned Parenthood makes over $100 million profit annually, so while you are struggling to make ends meet, the CSC is giving your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood; While they do not fund abortions directly, their programs promote promiscuity and help funnel teenage girls into abortion clinics

Get out your property tax bill, and hold onto your wallet!

Get out your property tax bill and hold onto your wallet! During the boom years when property values sky rocketed, politicians cut millage rates slightly, claiming they were cutting taxes, but budgets ballooned! Today, many are raising millage rates and claiming that they aren’t raising our taxes. St Lucie’s CSC is set to give another $500,000 of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider!

We Will Never Forget 911

9 11 2nd Plane Hits World Trace Center

We will never forget what happened September 11, 2001. On that day, one’s political party, race, or church didn’t matter. We joined together and cried out for our country that we love so dearly. We joined hands with strangers and cried to God for mercy. The whole world stopped: yes, even our enemies prayed for America. We had taken God out of America, yet 911 put God back into America … for one week! How quickly we went back to our lives forgetting the God who made this country great because

Poll: Did Your Church Pass Out Voter Guides?

As we wrap up the primary election and head to the general election, I’d like to take an informal poll. Did your church pass out voter guides for state and federal candidates? If so, which voter guide? Did your church pass out voter guides for local candidates? If so, which voter guide?

Indian River Tea Party Forums

The Indian River Tea Party has hosted forums for County Commission, School Board, and State Rep District 80 and 29. If you live in Indian River County and haven’t yet voted, you may find these forums helpful in determining where the candidates stand on the issues.

We hope you will take advantage of the following interviews and forums to help residents cast an informed vote…

Martin County FL Local Races – Support Conservative Candidates

Unfortunately, there is no values group in Martin Co. organized at the level of developing voters guides on local races like there is in Port St Lucie. However, please let me share my perspective on the local Martin Co. races. First there are no local values candidates per se running in Martin Co. I can only share how I voted and why. I shared this with my fellow Martin Co. pro-lifers who will probably take a different position on the Shekailo-Busha race.

15 Days to Vote – Support Conservative Candidates, Saint Lucie County, FL!

Early voting starts today and Election Day is only 15 days away. Thankfully, we have several resources to help us decide who to vote for. I am happy to inform you that local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are available for St Lucie County at I also expect state Christian Coalition Voter Guides for Indian River, St Lucie, Martin, and all other Florida counties to be available later today at St Lucie County voters may also wish to view the League of Women Voters forum and the St Lucie Chamber of Commerce Candidate Questionnaire. I encourage you to utilize these resources to educate yourself on where the candidates stand on the issues.
Several have asked me to provide a list of candidates I’m endorsing and/or supporting in the primary election. I am going to provide this list for State and St Lucie County Races.

How the War on Poverty has Destroyed Fatherhood, the American Family, and Especially the Black Family and has Increased Poverty

In 1963, 93% of children were born to married parents. Today, the percentage has dropped to 59%. black families fare much worse. In 1963, 77% of black children were born to families with both a father and a mother. Today, nearly 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. The results have been devastating. Children born into single family homes are more than twice as likely to be

National Day of Prayer

At the founding of this country, and even prior its founding, our forefathers turned to God in the time of need. Whether it was the Pilgrims wondering if they’d make it through that first winter, the Puritans wondering why their crops were failing, or our founding fathers wondering how they could defeat a superior army when our men didn’t even have shoes to wear, our forefathers cried out to God when tried, and God answered their prayers.

Today, we find ourselves in a situation where we need God. Our economy has failed, our money system is on the verge of collapse, natural disasters are taking their toll, and terrorist feel emboldened to attack us on our own soil. At the same time, Republican and Democrat administrations have trampled the constitution under foot, and we now see the very real possibility of losing this great nation we call our own.
It is time that we repent of our sins and cry out to God on behalf of our nation.

Personhood FL Tour Distributes Over 3,000 Pieces of Literature in Hispanic, Black, and White Neighborhoods in Miami

The Missionary to the PreBorn – Personhood FL Tour had a tremendous day today. The day started in a Hispanic neighborhood on a street in front of an abortion mill and the Hialeah Senior High School where 3,000 students drove past large signs of born, preborn, and aborted babies. The missionaries were able to distribute 2,000 pieces of literature to students, pedestrians, and stopped cars. Some even signed the Personhood FL constitutional petition right on the street! The missionaries also went into the abortion mill, passed out prolife literature, and urged the women to choose life for their children! The missionaries literally passed out every piece of literature they had prepared!

The next stop was in an African American community

Why Do We Show Pictures of PreBorn and Aborted Babies

Why do we show pictures of preborn and aborted babies? To remind post abortive women and men of their sins? No! To expose children to pictures they shouldn’t see? No! We’re doing this for the same reason William Wilberforce brought slave ships by the ships of English nobility. We’re doing this for the same reason that the world saw pictures of Nazi holocaust victims. If abortion is so horrible that we can’t stand to look at pictures of the mutilated babies, should we really tolerate it? You see, without the pictures, we can easily go about our ordinary business and forget that we allow 1,200,000 baby girls and boy per year in the US, 88,000 in Florida, and 1,000 in St Lucie County to be brutally murdered. Without the pictures, it’s easy to forget that we allow the shedding of the blood of more than 52,000,000 preborn children in America while we go to work, school, church, play, etc. Without the pictures, it’s easy to forget that the prosperity that we have enjoyed since abortion became legal has been earned by ignoring the precious children who were fearfully and wonderfully made in the secret places of their mother’s womb yet face the threat of death by abortion. (See Psalm 139.) How long can we expect God to withhold His judgment from America? How many more babies can we possibly kill before our land will vomit us forth as Canaan did to the Canaanites? How many more babies will we allow to be ripped limb from limb before we see “the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Malachi 4:5) as Israel experienced because Manasseh, “filled Jerusalem from one end to another” with innocent blood. (2 Kings 2:16.)

Happy Thanksgiving

We truly have much to be thankful for. Though our national, state, and local economies are weak and getting weaker; Though many have lost their jobs; Though current political forces threaten the very freedoms and liberties afforded us by The Declaration of Independents, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the various States; Though our government, under Republican and Democrat Administrations has chosen to follow the failed interventionist strategies employed by Presidents Taft and Roosevelt that led to the great depression; Though the Federal Government has bailed out the financial and auto industries and is attempting to take over health care, all without the constitutional authority to do so; Though our troops are fighting abroad to preserve liberty, and our president can’t make up his mind whether to send needed reinforcements or not; Though our nation has turned aside from following God; Though the majority has sat idly by while a few have successfully removed our creator, the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer from public schools, and nearly every semblance of God from the public square; Though each day we allow the destruction of 3,400 babies by abortion in America; Though a small minority seeks to redefine marriage to include marriages between two men or two women, a definition that has never before been applied in any culture, in any time from the creation of the world, we have much to be thankful for. God has sustained our lives, provided for us, protected us, and granted for us to live in a country where our founding fathers pledged their lives fortunes and sacred honor to establish liberty and justice for all and subsequent generations have laid down their lives to preserve those freedoms.

What Does God Say About the Government’s Role be in Health Care?

When we look at the word of God, we see in Genesis 14:18-20 that Abraham paid at tithe (a 10th) to Melchizedek. When Israel asked for a king in 1 Samuel 8:11-20, God warned the Israelites that a king would take a tenth of all they own! Here, God defines tyranny. Any government that requires …

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Vote Today for Joe Negron!

If you live in Florida Senate District 28 (Senator Ken Pruitt’s District), make sure you get out to vote if you didn’t vote early or by absentee ballot. The district includes parts of Indian River, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, and Palm Beach Counties and all of Martin County. (Click here to see the District map: …

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It is Appointed Unto Man Once to Die, and Then the Judgement, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

This past week, we saw three legends, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon all went to meet their maker. All three had fame and made a lot of money in their lifetime, though two died deeply in debt. Yet all three share the same fate: they will stand before a Holy God and face judgment for their actions, thoughts, even secrets.

Happy Father’s Day – Calling All Fathers – Fulfill your Calling

We have an epidemic in America today. It isn’t an epidemic of disease but a social malady, that of single parent households. Single parent households are a reality today’s world. We need to support and pray for the mothers and fathers who are raising children by themselves, yet at the same time, we need to …

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