Category: Taxation

TEA Party Express Bus Coming to Port St Lucie Tomorrow & Through Florida This Week!

Tea Party Express Bus Tour 2012

Tea Party Express’s “Winning for America” national bus tour is coming to Port St Lucie tomorrow and will travel through Florida this week. The tour is on a trek through 25 battleground states that are key to conservatives’ victories in November. Make plans to come out to these events.

Pray, Pray, Pray & Vote Today!!!

Primary Election 2012 Vote ProLife

If you haven’t done so yet, pray for God’s will to be done in today’s election, and pray for victory for prolife candidates. If you haven’t voted yet, what are you waiting for? Get out and vote! Remember: Pray, Pray, Pray, and Vote Today!

My Son & I Voted! Have You? Vote for ProLife Candidates

My 11 year old son and I voted for prolife candidates yesterday. That’s right: we voted early! Of course, my son didn’t

Personhood FL ProLife PAC Launches Twitter Account

Personhood FL ProLife PAC launched a new Twitter account to announce the release of it’s endorsement criteria and to announce candidates who meet the requirement. The new account is @PersonhoodFLPAC.

Personhood FL’s Twitter Account @PersonhoodFL have over 160,000 followers and is the # 1 ProLife organization on Twitter.

Election Day Sermon, Applying Biblical Principles to Government, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

We read this morning from Psalm 33 about how Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that nations are not protected by the multitude of their army or the power of their military force but there protected based on the protection of God God’s sovereignty and that is most often based on whether that nation is obeying God’s word or violating God’s word.

In proverbs 14:34 we read, “righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” and in Proverbs 28:12, we learn, “When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.” (Ref. vs. 28) (NKJV)

Watch the “Florida Awake! Presidential Candidate Forum” Today!

Liberty Counsel has had an incredible response for its “Florida Awake! Presidential Candidate Forum with Q&A” happening today, (Saturday) January 28, 2012, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. EST. The forum is sponsored by Liberty Counsel and cosponsored by Personhood USA. Tickets were snapped up days ago, and we are working on overflow seating. Doors will open at 2:00 p.m. EST. Watch live video here.

We Can’t Afford to Elect Obama Lite. We Must Elect Rick Santorum for President!

America is at critical stage in history. We’ve had a long chain of Republican and Democratic administrations that have spent more of our money and taken more control of our lives. They have done so while most Americans sat on the couch.

We sat on the couch and watched George W Bush run up large deficits as he spent money faster than it came in. We sat by when he added unsustainable expenses to already strapped federal programs. Many even sat by when he bailed out huge mega banks that were “too big to fail.”

Then came Barrack Obama.

First Ever National Presidential Pro-Life, Pro-Personhood Forum

We are excited to announce the first ever Presidential Pro-Life Forum, a national tele-town hall and radio simulcast presented by Personhood USA in partnership with other national pro-life organizations onTuesday, December 27, 8:00 – 9:30 pm CST.

All Presidential candidates have been invited to participate, and, as of this moment, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry are confirmed.

Sermon, 12-18-11, What Kind of Nation Have We Become When We Value Possessions More Than Human Life, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

You may recall the video on the Internet of the little girl in China who wandered away from her mom and wandered into the road where she was ran over by a van. Since China is a police state with cameras everywhere, the event was caught on video. You can see the passenger of the van look out and see the girl before the van drives away. Multiple people passed by, saw the girl dying in the middle of the street, and just walked on by.
I want to take you to another scene, one in America where shoppers walked over a dying man to preserve their place in the black Friday line. What kind of country have we become when life is so invaluable and when our focus is so much on material possessions and not on glorifying God, and when in this time economic uncertainty, in this time of need, in this time when we have a record number of foreclosures and people can’t pay their bills, we see more money spent on black Friday than any other Christmas ever? What kind of people have we become?
Watch the full sermon to hear how we need to seek to glorify God more than our possessions, restore the sanctity of human life, and restore fiscal responsibility. Mentioned in this sermon Abortion, the ProLife Personhood Movement, the Tea Party Movement, and Occupy Wall Street.

One Nation Under God Event Coming to Port Saint Lucie, Florida Saturday November 12

One Nation Under God Event

We’ve lost sight of our great heritage as a nation founded on Biblical truth, and the consequences are dire. It’s time to reclaim our Biblical heritage and bring God back to the center of American life.
On November 12, we’ll hear top American thinkers and leaders on how to view history and current events in light of God’s Word, and how to take action that aligns with His truth.
Speakers include: Focus on the Family Founder, Dr. James Dobson; American Historian David Barton, WallBuilders; Former Congressman Bob McEwen; Lila Rose, Live Action Films; Dr. Timothy Johnson; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez; Speaker Newt Gingrich; and John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council

Florida Presidency 5 Report: Why Did Delegates Hop on the Herman Cain Train?

Herman Cain WIns Florida's Presidency 5 Straw Poll

I had the privilege and honor to serve as one of the 2657 delegates to the Florida Presidency 5 debate and straw poll. Past winners of Florida’s Presidency Straw Polls have gone one to win either the presidency or at least the Republican presidential nomination. Previous Florida Presidency Straw Poll winners include: Ronald Regan, Presidency 1, 1979; George H.W. Bush, Presidency 2, 1987; and Bob Dole, Presidency 3, 1995. (Presidency 4 didn’t include a straw poll.) So I went into Presidency 5 with much anticipation and excitement about being a part of a process that may very well select the next president of the United States of America. Here is my eye witness report of what transpired including why Texas Governor Rick Perry lost and why delegates hopped on the Herman Cain Train.

Rick Perry came into Presidency 5 being the favorite. After speaking with St. Lucie County delegates, I would estimate that half came into the debate planning on voting for Perry, and many delegates for other counties planned to vote for Perry as well. Perry had the support of many in the tea party movement and the support of conservative leaders such as Florida Family Policy Council Director, John Stemberger. The straw poll was Perry’s to lose, and he did just that! When challenged on Texas’ law which allows the children of illegal aliens to pay instate tuition for college instead of the full rate, Perry responded

Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Funding

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 Taxpayer Funding

Pastor Bryan Longworth: Four years ago I stood in front of this council and asked them to defund Planned Parenthood, and I was actually the only one at that point; but, thankfully, Dr Hofstee was there with me and got fired up, and what started was just letting people know and informing people that the Children’s Services Council was funding the largest abortion provider. However, even if you would go back a year ago with all the people that we had that came out, I wouldn’t have said that we’d be standing here today and seeing that Planned Parenthood was defunded; however, I do give glory and honor to God for this victory. I believe that His presence was with us. I also want to recognize the work of … Watch the video here

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 in St. Lucie Tax Funding

America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP) was axed Thursday by yet another tax funded agency. The latest government entity to ditch the embattled abortion giant was the St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, which has funded PP with grants totaling nearly $4 million since 2002. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly public forums that eventually led to cessation of funding for PP, which was about $500,000 last fiscal year. The Florida based CSC joined the ranks of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding.

According to Dr. Michael Hofstee, an organizer from the

Thursday: Taxing Agency Voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!

The St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, has funded Planned Parenthood since 2002 and has awarded grants totaling nearly $4,000,000 to the organization, but that may all change Thursday when the CSC considers defunding Planned Parenthood. The CSC could join the likes of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding. The decision will be make by the CSC during their monthly meeting held Sept. 8 at 8:30 am, at the CSC office, 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 across from the entrance to Tradition Field. (View a map here.)

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding has led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly meetings. The group postponed a picket of the TD Bank where board member Pat Alley works until after Thursday’s vote and hopes that that picket won’t be necessary. The group has promised to continue efforts to defund Planned Parenthood including picketing board members homes and places of work and campaigning against the Children’s Services Counsel the 2014 referendum that will allow St Lucie County voters to abolish the CSC. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding will hold a press conference outside of the Children’s Services Counsel immediately following Tuesday’s vote.

What Would You Say To Someone Who Gives Your Tax Dollars To Planned Parenthood?

This week, a little-known St. Lucie County taxing authority, the Children’s Services Council (CSC), is once again giving consideration to funding abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars.

Taxpayers attending this week’s public forum at 8:15am on Sept. 8, can use the crib sheet below to formulate factual comments that can used at the forum which will be held at

STOP Your Local St. Lucie Tax Dollars From Going To Planned Parenthood

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding is recruiting fed-up local taxpayers. On Thursday September 8, 2011, the group will picket the Children’s Services Council Taxing Authority (CSC) meeting at 7:30 a.m. The CSC meeting starts at 8:15 am. The CSC has been funding Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars for many years including $500,000 last fiscal year. Altogether, PP, the largest provider of abortions in the U.S. has benefitted from more than $3 million in local St. Lucie tax dollars. Every year, a portion of St. Lucie residents’ property taxes go to the CSC. The little-known taxing authority can be located on residents’ property tax bill.

PP contends that tax dollars are not used directly to fund abortions. However, tax funded programs include graphic sex education youth programs that do not oppose

Florida Republican Presidential Straw Poll – Presidency 5

Ron Paul

The Florida Republican Presidential Straw Poll, called Presidency 5, will be held in Orlando, Florida September 22 -24, 2011. The Florida Straw Poll has played a major role in selecting the Republican nominee for the Presidency in each of the three prior straw polls held. Registration is free and can be done online at Registration must be completed by June 10, 2011. While attending the event, you’ll have the opportunity to meet the Republican presidential candidates face to face, and if selected as a delegate, you can play a role in selecting the Republican Presidential Nominee for 2012, but you must act today to do so!

St. Lucie Taxpayers against Planned Parenthood Funding to Picket CSC Meeting

Thursday morning, June 9, St. Lucie Taxpayers against Tax Funding of Planned Parenthood will again picket (7:30 a.m.) and speak at the Children’s Services Council (CSC) meeting (8:30 a.m.). As you may know, the CSC has been funding Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars to the tune of over $500,000 per year for a total of more than $3,000,000; however, the CSC is putting the programs out for bid and may defund Planned Parenthood. We suspect there is going to be a huge PP presence

Now is the Time to Impact the Next Election! Tea Party Meeting Tonight

Concervative, Traditional Values, ProLife, Tea Party

Every election cycle, I receive a barrage of phone calls and emails from voters wanting to know where the candidates stand on the issues. I enjoy these calls because it shows me these citizens care enough to make informed decisions over who they vote for. I think we all agree that we need more informed voters and fewer voters voting based on party, skin color, ethnicity, etc. (I’m sure you remember the exit poll video where Obama voters showed their lack of knowledge of the current political leaders and the video where Obama voters said they voted for him because of his prolife stance and that they liked his choice of Sarah Palin as Vice President.)

If you wish to not only make an informed decision at the ballot box but also impact who wins the next election

TD Bank Picket Cancelled, Defund Planned Parenthood

On behalf of our organization, St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, our most heartfelt thanks to all of you who turned out for the picket last Thursday. At the end of the meeting Sean Boyle, the Children’s Services Council’s Executive Director issued a statement which I have attached. The CSC is looking for organizations who can provide alternatives to the Planned Parenthood programs. As a result, we have postponed the planned picket on TD Bank this Friday.

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