Tag: Iran

We Can’t Afford to Elect Obama Lite. We Must Elect Rick Santorum for President!

America is at critical stage in history. We’ve had a long chain of Republican and Democratic administrations that have spent more of our money and taken more control of our lives. They have done so while most Americans sat on the couch.

We sat on the couch and watched George W Bush run up large deficits as he spent money faster than it came in. We sat by when he added unsustainable expenses to already strapped federal programs. Many even sat by when he bailed out huge mega banks that were “too big to fail.”

Then came Barrack Obama.

Will You Join Me in Standing with Israel & Jewish Members of Temple Beth El Israel?

Recently, I became aware of a plan to protest against the Zionist state of Israel scheduled outside of the Temple Beth El Israel in Saint Lucie West, Florida. A CraigsList.org ad posted by an individual organizing the protest reads: … Will you join me in standing with Israel & Jewish member of Temple Beth El Israel Sunday morning? I know that Sunday morning is a difficult time to meet because most Christians attend church services Sunday morning, and I’m not asking you to miss your church service. However, if it doesn’t conflict with your church service, will you stand with me?

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