Category: Florida

Sermon, Memorial Day, Is the Lord For Us or For Our Adversaries? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

When the Lord appeared to Joshua near Jericho, Joshua asked, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ This is a curious answer. One would think that the Lord would take sides in this battle, especially since Israel was His chosen people. Yes the answer was, No, but I am here. Joshua’s question really was misdirected. The question should not have been whether God was on Israels side but rather was Israel on God’s side, for it is only when a nation is on God’s side that God will bless and defend and fight for that nation.

Moreover, when a nation departs from His commandments and violates His precepts

Sermon, Memorial Day, Calling Americans to Fight for America

Memorial Day is a day that we set aside remember those who have fallen in battle to establish and then defend the rights that we often take for granted in America.These freedom’s are not free but were bought and paid for by the blood of American men and women who loved this country more than their own lives and by the blessings of God. You see, America has the greatest army earth, yet we cannot afford to rely on our own strength, might, and power and reject God’s principles found in the Bible. If we are to continue to enjoy the freedom we hold dear, we must return to the Lord and honor His commandments.

In the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin referenced

Take Time to Honor This Memorial Day Weekend

Take Time to Remember Military Flags

This Memorial Day weekend, many will head to the beaches, join together with family and friends, or simply relaxing and enjoying their three day weekend, but this weekend has a purpose bigger than the beach, bigger than barbeques, bigger than three day weekends, and bigger than parties and get-togethers. This weekend is set aside to remember those who have sacrificed much, especially those who have given all, even their very lives, so that you and I and generations before and after us can enjoy the freedom they enjoy. Moreover, the blood freely given by our military forces has not only bought and paid for our freedom in America but also the freedom and security of many other countries and peoples across the world. This Memorial Day weekend, make sure that you take time to remember those who have given their lives so that you might enjoy freedom.

This weekend, there are several events memorializing those who have laid down their lives to secure the rights we enjoy. I have listed

Now is the Time to Impact the Next Election! Tea Party Meeting Tonight

Concervative, Traditional Values, ProLife, Tea Party

Every election cycle, I receive a barrage of phone calls and emails from voters wanting to know where the candidates stand on the issues. I enjoy these calls because it shows me these citizens care enough to make informed decisions over who they vote for. I think we all agree that we need more informed voters and fewer voters voting based on party, skin color, ethnicity, etc. (I’m sure you remember the exit poll video where Obama voters showed their lack of knowledge of the current political leaders and the video where Obama voters said they voted for him because of his prolife stance and that they liked his choice of Sarah Palin as Vice President.)

If you wish to not only make an informed decision at the ballot box but also impact who wins the next election

TD Bank Picket Cancelled, Defund Planned Parenthood

On behalf of our organization, St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, our most heartfelt thanks to all of you who turned out for the picket last Thursday. At the end of the meeting Sean Boyle, the Children’s Services Council’s Executive Director issued a statement which I have attached. The CSC is looking for organizations who can provide alternatives to the Planned Parenthood programs. As a result, we have postponed the planned picket on TD Bank this Friday.

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding to Announce New Strategy

Bryan Longworth CBS News 12 Interview

Tomorrow morning, St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding to announce a new strategy in fighting tax funding of Planned Parenthood. I personally believe that this new strategy will produce results that could possibly aid in keeping your tax dollars from funding Planned Parenthood. In the last few days, I’ve let you know that St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding is planning

CBS News 12 to Cover Tax Funding of Planned Parenthood Protest

This morning, I conducted an interview with CBS News 12 which will air in tonight’s broadcasts during the 5:00, 6:00, or 7:00 PM hours. CBS News 12 will also be onsite providing live footage of the picket and protest Thursday morning. I urge you to join me in picketing the Children’s Services Council’s meeting this Thursday morning from 7:30 – 8:30 AM and e-mail the Children’s Services Council (CSC) director Sean Boyle. For more details, sample sign language, and sample e-mail verbiage, see Citizens Launch E-mail Blitz and Picket Protesting Tax Funding for Planned Parenthood.

Citizens Launch E-mail Blitz and Picket Protesting Tax Funding for Planned Parenthood

Did you know that if you live in St Lucie County that your tax dollars are going to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider? What’s more, most of the programs funded teach Planned Parenthood’s version of safe sex. As you may know, Planned Parenthood views sex as a right of passage for all teenagers and believes that teens are the only ones who know when they are ready to have sex. This month, we are asking you to take two steps to defund Planned Parenthood in our community.

National Day of Prayer Events for St Lucie County, Florida

George Washington General and President Praying Beside his Horse

National Day of Prayer Events for St Lucie County including morning prayer at Covenant Tabernacle, Racial Healing and Reconciliation mid morning, Noon Prayer in Down Town Fort Pierce, and evening prayer in Port Saint Lucie.

5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth

Our nation has been rocked with natural disasters with raging storms sweeping through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee, killing over 300 to date. Yet this is nothing new. Since that dreadful Roe v Wade decision and the ensuing millions upon millions of unborn babies that have been killed by “safe, legal” abortion on demand, we have seen ever increasing damage from natural disasters. From flooding in the Midwest, to earthquakes in the West and elsewhere, to wild fires, to hurricanes, to tornadoes, to ice storms, to drought. It is as if creation is groaning with birth pangs, eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:22). It is as if creation will not willingly put up with our futility and as if God is removing His restraining hand (Romans 8:19-21). It is as if the land were vomiting out its inhabitants as God warns in Leviticus 18 and 20.

TeaParty, ProLife Picket of St Lucie County School Board

SLC School Board Meeting
Picket 4:15pm Meeting 5pm
Tuesday March 22, 2011, School Board Offices (Old Orange Blossom Mall)
Okeechobee Road, Fort Pierce
Just look at some of the current issues:

1. They are proposing a NEW tax for School Resource Deputies (“the first of its kind in Florida”)
2. School Board Member Kathryn Hensley and Superintendent Lannon continue to sit on the Children’s Services Council Taxing Authority and voted to give $500,000 in tax dollars to Planned Parenthood

40 Days for Life Continues – Upcoming ProLife Events

This is now day 12 of 40 Days For Life. 40 Days for Life is a ProLife effort to fast, pray, and work to end abortion. Participants agree to pray at their homes, churches, and/or the abortion clinic in Ft Pierce, Florida. Plus ProLife Rosary Service, ProLife Fundraising Concert, and Pregnancy Care Center Fundraising Banquet and Auction.

Breaking News: Ambulance Takes Woman From Ft Pierce Abortion Clinic with Sheet Over Her

Saturday morning, February 5, 2011, an ambulance was called to A Woman’s World Medical Center, in Ft Pierce to take one of the clients to the Lawnwood Hospital Emergency Room. A Woman’s World is the only abortion clinic in the tri-county area and has received numerous violations from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Medical personnel held a sheet over the mom as she was placed in the ambulance. It is not known what happened or the condition of the patients (mom and baby), but it is believed

1/16/11, Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, I Am My Brother’s Keeper

Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, And Who is My Neighbor? Am I my brother’s keeper? What responsibilities do I have to my brother? Aside from the obvious responsibility to not harm my brother, I have the responsibility to

Is Your Church Petitioning for Personhood Today?

The 14th Amendment reads in part, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” but doesn’t define who a person is. In the majority decision from the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade, Justice Blackmun wrote, “(If the) suggestion of personhood [of the preborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.” The Personhood Amendment will define all humans as persons from

Treasure Coast March for Life This Saturday! Sanctity of Human Life Sunday!

This Saturday marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v Wade. In the past 38 years, we have allowed the killing of over 55,000,000 preborn children and have stood by while mothers and fathers have been wounded by abortion. For those who have been personally involved in abortion, our message is one of mercy and forgiveness that only comes through the shed blood of Jesus. For the preborn children who have been slain, we ask forgiveness for not intervening on their behalf. For those scheduled to die, we say we are fighting to end abortion and will fight for your life!
There are several prolife events happening on the Treasure Coast and across Florida this weekend

Legislative Delegation Meeting Tomorrow and Friday! Hold Our State Senators and Representatives Accountable

The Legislative Delegation for St Lucie County is meeting tomorrow, and we need ProLife, Tea Party, and Values speakers to let their voices be heard. (The Delegation will also meet in Martin County Friday, December 16.) The other side will definitely be crying for more of your tax dollars, continued funding of Planned Parenthood, and more government program. The meeting time and agenda are

12/5/10 Sermon, Has the Government Exceeded Its Biblical Authority

We have seen ever increasingly the ever expanding role of government in America. This expansion has greatly accelerated in the last two years as President Barack Obama has aggressively pushed his radical, socialist agenda. But it’s not just the Federal Government that’s at fault. In Florida, someone who wants to paint someone’s fence has to go to four government offices in different locations and pay fees to get an occupational permit. You shouldn’t need the governments permission to work!
How did the founding fathers make it without permits? How did their houses stand up. How did they make it without welfare? How did they survive without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? How did they send their kids to college without government loans? How did they make it without government regulation?
Has the federal government exceeded the authority provided it by our nation’s founding fathers in the US Constitution? More importantly, has it exceeded the authority God gave it in His word, the Bible?

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Petitioning Conference Call

January 22 marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade. ProLifers throughout the state will remember the over 50,000,000 preborn children murdered by abortion in the US since that dreadful decision. Prolifers will participate in March for Life events and Prayer Vigils and pastors will preach Sanctity of Human Life sermons. Personhood Florida is planning a big push to gather personhood petitions in churches and at prolife events across Florida in January. During the conference call, we’ll present the plan and provide training on how you can help promote the personhood amendment in your church, city, and/or region.

On My Birthday, I’m Asking for Three Gifts that Won’t Cost You a Dime

Bryan Longworth Skateboarding

Yes it’s my birthday today. I’m a year older and hopefully wiser than the year before. (I don’t think I’ll take my skateboard down the ramps at the skateboard park like I did last year when I broke my wrist!) The past year has been difficult with the economic struggles presently facing America, yet God has provided. Certainly, I could ask for thing; however, on my birthday, I’m asking for three gifts that won’t cost you a dime. (This doesn’t mean that I don’t need socks from my wife and kids!) These three gifts will also not directly benefit me but will benefit you, those around you, and society as a whole. Can you help make my birthday the best ever by doing three simple things? Read on

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