Category: Florida

One Nation Under God Event Coming to Port Saint Lucie, Florida Saturday November 12

One Nation Under God Event

We’ve lost sight of our great heritage as a nation founded on Biblical truth, and the consequences are dire. It’s time to reclaim our Biblical heritage and bring God back to the center of American life.
On November 12, we’ll hear top American thinkers and leaders on how to view history and current events in light of God’s Word, and how to take action that aligns with His truth.
Speakers include: Focus on the Family Founder, Dr. James Dobson; American Historian David Barton, WallBuilders; Former Congressman Bob McEwen; Lila Rose, Live Action Films; Dr. Timothy Johnson; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez; Speaker Newt Gingrich; and John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council

Will You Help Personhood Florida Reach Every Pastor, Every Church In Your County for Life?

Last week, I wrote that we need to take the prolife personhood message to every region, every county, every city, every church, every pastor. This week, I go over the results from last weeks poll on how many pastors have ever heard of prolife personhood amendments and compare them with the actual findings we discovered at a recent pastors meeting, and I’ll lay out a plan to reach every church, every pastor in the state of Florida for Life.

In last week’s poll, we asked you what percentage of Florida pastors have ever heard about the prolife personhood amendment. Most of the respondents answered that only 21 – 30% or 11 – 20% of the pastors had ever heard of personhood. My dad and I along with Jay Rogers recently attended a large gathering of prolife, politically motivated pastors, and we found that the percentage is even lower! The bad news is that less than 10% of the attendees knew about personhood prior to learning about it from us, and this coming from a group of pastors that is most likely to have heard of personhood. The good news is that every pastor we approached signed the personhood petition and agreed to petition in their church! One pastor asked us: “Why haven’t I heard of personhood before?” The answer is simple: we haven’t told him!

Every Region, Every County, Every City, Every Church, Every Pastor for Life!

I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need to make the case for life in every region, every county, every city, and every church. Indeed, we need every pastor in the state of Florida to present the prolife, personhood petition to their church.

I recently attended a large pastors meeting in Orlando with my dad. Jay Rogers joined me to help present the prolife, personhood amendment to Florida pastors. You would be surprised at what we found!

Florida Presidency 5 Report: Why Did Delegates Hop on the Herman Cain Train?

Herman Cain WIns Florida's Presidency 5 Straw Poll

I had the privilege and honor to serve as one of the 2657 delegates to the Florida Presidency 5 debate and straw poll. Past winners of Florida’s Presidency Straw Polls have gone one to win either the presidency or at least the Republican presidential nomination. Previous Florida Presidency Straw Poll winners include: Ronald Regan, Presidency 1, 1979; George H.W. Bush, Presidency 2, 1987; and Bob Dole, Presidency 3, 1995. (Presidency 4 didn’t include a straw poll.) So I went into Presidency 5 with much anticipation and excitement about being a part of a process that may very well select the next president of the United States of America. Here is my eye witness report of what transpired including why Texas Governor Rick Perry lost and why delegates hopped on the Herman Cain Train.

Rick Perry came into Presidency 5 being the favorite. After speaking with St. Lucie County delegates, I would estimate that half came into the debate planning on voting for Perry, and many delegates for other counties planned to vote for Perry as well. Perry had the support of many in the tea party movement and the support of conservative leaders such as Florida Family Policy Council Director, John Stemberger. The straw poll was Perry’s to lose, and he did just that! When challenged on Texas’ law which allows the children of illegal aliens to pay instate tuition for college instead of the full rate, Perry responded

Petitioning Opportunity at the Florida Presidency 5 Straw Poll

The Florida Presidency 5 Straw Poll Will be held Saturday September 24 and will be attended by 3,000 Republican delegates from across Florida in addition to guests. This will present an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the Personhood FL Petition. (Note: only registered parties will be able to enter the events.)

Personhood FL is non-partisan and does not endorse specific candidates and/or political parties. We encourage all Candidates for all offices to endorse and sign the FL Personhood Amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life, and we encourage all political parties to endorse the personhood amendment.

Personhood Petitioning at the CPAC Florida Convention Orlando

The Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC, is holding a conference in Orlando, Florida Friday, September 23. Many Republican Presidential candidates and several state and national political and conservative leaders, including Marco Rubio will attend and speak. This presents an excellent opportunity to collect prolife personhood petitions. You can petition outside the convention center as guests arrive and depart or register ($45 fee for one or $80 fee for two) to petition inside and hear the speakers. The current schedule is posted below.

Personhood FL is non-partisan and does not endorse specific candidates and/or political parties. We encourage all Candidates for all offices to endorse and sign the FL Personhood Amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life, and we encourage all political parties to endorse the personhood amendment.

Personhood Petitioning @ Fox News Republican Presidency 5 Presidential Debate

The Fox News Presidency 5 Republican Presidential Debate will be attended by thousands of Floridians from across the state. This presents an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the Florida Personhood Amendment. Prolife petitioners can petition debate attendees arriving to and departing from the debate.

Personhood FL is non-partisan and does not endorse specific candidates and/or political parties. We encourage all Candidates for all offices to endorse and sign the FL Personhood Amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life, and we encourage all political parties to endorse the personhood amendment.

Florida Faith & Freedom Coalition Presidency 5 Kick-Off Meet & Greet & Fox News Pre-Debate Party in Orlando, FL

Several Florida statewide leaders will address the FL Faith & Freedom Coalition Presidency V Kick-Off Meet & Greet and Fox News Pre-Debate Party in Orlando, FL on September 22, 2011. This will present an excellent opportunity to collect petition signatures for the ProLife Florida Personhood Amendment.

To register for this free event, please click here:

Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Funding

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 Taxpayer Funding

Pastor Bryan Longworth: Four years ago I stood in front of this council and asked them to defund Planned Parenthood, and I was actually the only one at that point; but, thankfully, Dr Hofstee was there with me and got fired up, and what started was just letting people know and informing people that the Children’s Services Council was funding the largest abortion provider. However, even if you would go back a year ago with all the people that we had that came out, I wouldn’t have said that we’d be standing here today and seeing that Planned Parenthood was defunded; however, I do give glory and honor to God for this victory. I believe that His presence was with us. I also want to recognize the work of … Watch the video here

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 in St. Lucie Tax Funding

America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP) was axed Thursday by yet another tax funded agency. The latest government entity to ditch the embattled abortion giant was the St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, which has funded PP with grants totaling nearly $4 million since 2002. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly public forums that eventually led to cessation of funding for PP, which was about $500,000 last fiscal year. The Florida based CSC joined the ranks of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding.

According to Dr. Michael Hofstee, an organizer from the

Thursday: Taxing Agency Voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!

The St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, has funded Planned Parenthood since 2002 and has awarded grants totaling nearly $4,000,000 to the organization, but that may all change Thursday when the CSC considers defunding Planned Parenthood. The CSC could join the likes of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding. The decision will be make by the CSC during their monthly meeting held Sept. 8 at 8:30 am, at the CSC office, 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 across from the entrance to Tradition Field. (View a map here.)

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding has led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly meetings. The group postponed a picket of the TD Bank where board member Pat Alley works until after Thursday’s vote and hopes that that picket won’t be necessary. The group has promised to continue efforts to defund Planned Parenthood including picketing board members homes and places of work and campaigning against the Children’s Services Counsel the 2014 referendum that will allow St Lucie County voters to abolish the CSC. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding will hold a press conference outside of the Children’s Services Counsel immediately following Tuesday’s vote.

What Would You Say To Someone Who Gives Your Tax Dollars To Planned Parenthood?

This week, a little-known St. Lucie County taxing authority, the Children’s Services Council (CSC), is once again giving consideration to funding abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars.

Taxpayers attending this week’s public forum at 8:15am on Sept. 8, can use the crib sheet below to formulate factual comments that can used at the forum which will be held at

STOP Your Local St. Lucie Tax Dollars From Going To Planned Parenthood

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding is recruiting fed-up local taxpayers. On Thursday September 8, 2011, the group will picket the Children’s Services Council Taxing Authority (CSC) meeting at 7:30 a.m. The CSC meeting starts at 8:15 am. The CSC has been funding Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars for many years including $500,000 last fiscal year. Altogether, PP, the largest provider of abortions in the U.S. has benefitted from more than $3 million in local St. Lucie tax dollars. Every year, a portion of St. Lucie residents’ property taxes go to the CSC. The little-known taxing authority can be located on residents’ property tax bill.

PP contends that tax dollars are not used directly to fund abortions. However, tax funded programs include graphic sex education youth programs that do not oppose

Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, Training Our Children to Obey God Where We Have Failed to Do So Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle, Personhood

No parent wants to admit to their children that they have made mistakes in the past, yet that is exactly what God asks parents in general and fathers in particular in Psalm 78. In the 60s, we saw the rise of the sexual revolution in America, and the promiscuity has gotten progressively worse since that time. It is time that we turn back to God and look at His principles and His precepts. Here in Psalm 78:1-8, we read,

Is Your County One of the Most ProLife Counties in Florida?

Personhood FL Volunteers Sort Petitions

Volunteers recently helped Personhood FL sort petitions received. The petitions came from counties across the State of Florida and covered every region of the state! Of the petitions sorted, … County was the most prolife county, having submitted the most petitions followed by … and … Counties. Volunteers continue working to sort additional petitions received, and we expect to add other counties to the list of Most ProLife Counties.

Is your county one of the Most ProLife Counties in Florida?

The Response, A Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis

On August 6, the nation will come together at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas (and locally via live webstreams) for a solemn gathering of prayer and fasting for our country.

We believe that America is in a state of crisis. Not just politically, financially or morally, but because we are a nation that has not honored God in our successes or humbly called on Him in our struggles.

Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW – And Who Is My Neighbor? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

Why We Must End Abortion NOW, And Who is My Neighbor? The Scribes and Pharacies were always trying to trick Jesus into saying something that would get Him in trouble. They laid such a trap for Jesus when a lawyer asked Him which is the most important commandment. Jesus answered the question with a question. The lawyer answered correctly that we are to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus affirmed the answer directing the man, “do this and you will live,” but the lawyer wanting to justify himself said and who is my neighbor? Jesus then shared one of the most powerful parables in the Bible, the parable of the good Samaritan. A Jewish man is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. A priest came by and walked right by, refusing to be neighbor to the injured man. A Levite did the same. Then came a Samaritan. you may recall that the Jews despised Samaritans and viewed them as half breeds which they were because they were from Jewish decent whose parents had intermarried with pagan nations. The Samaritan bandaged the man’s wounds, carried him on his donkey to an inn, cared for him, and paid the inn keeper additional money to care for the man until he could care for himself. The Samaritan, was neighbor to the man in the ditch.

The lawyer asked, “and who is my neighbor”? In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus flips the question and asks who will you be neighbor to? The Priest wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. The Levite wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. But the despised Samaritan was neighbor him.

And how about you? Preborn baby girls and boys are lying in the ditch scheduled for slaughter by safe, legal abortion. Will you pass by on the other side of the street, or will you be neighbor to the preborn?

Westboro Church to Picket Soldier’s Memorial Service

American Flag Bald Eagle

On Tuesday, July 5th, U.S. Army Spc. Jordan Christopher Schumann, 24, died when a Humvee he and other soldiers were riding in on patrol drove over a roadside bomb. His Memorial Service is scheduled for this Saturday (July 16, 2011) at 7:00 PM. The Westboro Church plans on picketing Jordan’s Memorial Service.

Although Westboro Church has a constitutional right to picket, Americans who love this country and the men and women who have sacrificed to preserve the freedoms we hold dear have a right to peacefully

National Personhood Training: This Saturday! Events in Port St. Lucie and Orlando

Keith Mason from PersonhoodUSA will be coming to Port Saint Lucie this Saturday, July 16th from 9am to 12 pm at Grace Family Church on 6300 NW Torino Parkway, Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34986.

In the evening Cal Zastrow and Operation Save America will be coming to Orlando at 6:30 pm to 9 pm this Saturday, July 16th at Victorious Living Center, 250 N. Ivey Lane, Orlando, FL

Psalm 133:1-3, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity…. for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.”

St. Lucie Taxpayers against Planned Parenthood Funding to Picket CSC Meeting

Thursday morning, June 9, St. Lucie Taxpayers against Tax Funding of Planned Parenthood will again picket (7:30 a.m.) and speak at the Children’s Services Council (CSC) meeting (8:30 a.m.). As you may know, the CSC has been funding Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars to the tune of over $500,000 per year for a total of more than $3,000,000; however, the CSC is putting the programs out for bid and may defund Planned Parenthood. We suspect there is going to be a huge PP presence

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