Tag: 19th Judicial Circuit – Group 6

Judicial Recommendations for 19th Judicial Circuit Group 6

Judicial races have to be the most frustrating races for voters who support traditional values. Certainly, judges have wreaked havoc in our nation, removing the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer from public schools, allowing preborn children to be ripped limb from limb in their mother’s womb, in creating a constitutional right to homosexual marriage, …

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Judicial Recommendations for St Lucie County Judge – Group 3 and 19th Judicial Circuit Group 1 and 6

Crazy Face Judge

Judicial races have to be the most frustrating races for voters who support traditional values. Certainly, judges have wreaked havoc in our nation, removing the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer from public schools, allowing preborn children to be ripped limb from limb in their mother’s womb, in creating a constitutional right to homosexual marriage, …

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