Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention

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2016 Judicial Retention Recommendation for the Florida Supreme Court and the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals

Many of you have asked for judicial retention recommendations. I have great news for you! They are now available. Get your judicial retention recommendations here: http://www.flvotesvalues.com/2016/10/24/2016-florida-supreme-court-and-1st-2nd-3rd-4th-5th-district-court-of-appeals-judges-up-for-retention/.

The Importance of Judicial Elections

Activist Judges in America have accomplished in the courts what the House and Senate couldn’t accomplish legislatively. They’ve twisted and changed the constitution to create case law to “justify” removing prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments from public classrooms and nearly every area of public life. They’ve created a right to privacy that first allowed married couples to purchase contraception. This new right was then extended to unmarried couples and then further extended to allow a woman the “right” to pay an abortionist to murder her preborn child. This right was later extended to homosexuals convicted of sodomy. One can only wonder what will be the next step.

Our founding fathers feared that the courts would one day rule our country and strip our freedoms from us. As Thomas Jefferson noted, “Our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so. They have — with others — the same passions for party, for power, and the privilege of their corps. . . . And their power the more dangerous as they are in office for life and not responsible — as the other functionaries are — to the elective control.”

In the Federal Court system, we have no way of reigning in the judiciary short of impeachment, and impeachment is rare. In Florida, however, Justices come up for retention votes after originally being nominated by the Governor. Sadly, most Floridians pay little attention to the judges up for retention which is why they normally are retained with 65 – 75% of the vote. This must stop, we need a network of attorneys statewide to be constitutional watchdogs in the courts by reporting on how the judges rule on various issues before them, and we the people need to educate ourselves and cast out the judges who view our constitution as “a mere thing of wax in the hands of the judiciary, which they may twist and shape into any form they please.” (Jefferson.) For more on the damage judges have wrought in our country, watch my sermon entitled Judicial Activism: http://covenanttabernacle.com/2010/10/17/sermon-10172010-judicial-activism-tyranny-legislating-from-the-bench.

Below are my recommendations for the FL Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th District Court of Appeals. Following my recommendations, I will explain the rationale behind my recommendations on the Supreme Court justices. Please note that this information is partisan. As such, distributing this information in churches would violate the Johnson Amendment to the IRS 501c3 code. Anyone considering passing partisan voter guides in church, should contact the Alliance Defense Fund prior to doing so at http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/.

Florida Supreme Court Justices Up for Retention

Justice Charles T. Canady, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Jorge Labarga, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice James E.C. Perry, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Ricky L. Polston, Vote Yes to Retain

First District Court of Appeal

Justice Nikki Ann Clark, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Paul M. Hawkes, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Charles J. Kahn, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Phil Pavando, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Lori S. Rowe, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Kent Wetherell, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Jim Wolf, Vote Yes to Retain

Second District Court of Appeal

Justice Marva L. Crenshaw, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Patricia Kelly, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Nelly N. Khouzam, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Robert Morris, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Stevan T. Northcutt, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Douglas A. Wallace, Vote Yes to Retain

Third District Court of Appeal

Justice Frank A. Shepherd, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Linda Ann Wells, Vote No to Not Retain

Fourth District Court of Appeal

Justice Cory J. Ciklin, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Dorian K. Damoorgian, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Jonathan D. Gerber, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Robert M. Goss, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice Spencer Levine, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Melanie G. May, Vote No to Not Retain

Fifth District Court of Appeal

Justice Jay Cohen, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Jacqueline R. Griffin, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Bruce Jacobus, Vote Yes to Retain
Justice David Monaco, Vote No to Not Retain
Justice Vincent G Torpy, Vote Yes to Retain

Florida Supreme Court Justices Up for Retention Rationale

Justice Charles T. Canady, Vote Yes to Retain

Appointed by: Governor Charlie Crist.

Justice Canady is a solid conservative who has served as a US Congressman and an attorney for Florida Governor Jeb Bush. As a Congressman, Canady voted for prolife legislation, voted to ban homosexual marriage, to limit welfare to two years and cut welfare spending, and to give poor kids Opportunity Scholarships to attend private schools. Canady served as one of the prosecuting attorney’s in President Bill Clinton’s Impeachment trial. As a lawyer for Governor Jeb Bush, Canady defended Opportunity Scholarships against legal challenges. Canady serves on the board of a home for unwed mothers. Canady’s nomination received praise from conservatives and the presidents of the Cuban American Bar Association and the Florida Chamber of Commerce but drew criticism from the ACLU director. While being sworn in, Canady asked, “For those of you who pray I ask that you pray that I will always judge with wisdom and integrity as a faithful servant of the Lord.”

Canady wrote the dissenting opinion on Amendment 9, arguing that the court should have allowed the amendment to stay on the ballot. Amendment 9 would have given Floridians the right to decide whether to participate in the Federal health care system or not. (HealthCareNewsFlorida.org)

Justice Charles T. Canady, Vote Yes to Retain

Justice Jorge Labarga, Vote No to Not Retain

Appointed by: Governor Charlie Crist.

In 2000, Justice Jorge Labarga played a role in the hanging chad case in Palm Beach County ruling that election officials “could not necessarily disregard irregular chads that had not been fully punched out on ballot cards.” (www.nydailynews.com)

In 2008, Labarga made threatening comments about an attorney. “When you pick a fight with a judge, ultimately, you are gonna lose. Not today, but five years from now, 10 years from now, six years from now. That judge is going to remember you, always, always,” Labarga said.

“And, you know, when you do — there is an old saying that if you go after a judge, you better kill him. Because, like I said, it’s true.” (judicialtransperancynow.blogspot.com)

Labarga also was one of five justices to vote to take Amendment 9 off of the ballot. Amendment 9 would have given Floridians the right to decide whether to participate in the Federal health care system or not. (HealthCareNewsFlorida.org)

Justice Jorge Labarga, Vote No to Not Retain

Justice James E.C. Perry, Vote No to Not Retain

Appointed by: Governor Charlie Crist.

Justice James E.C. Perry was Governor Charlie Crist’s four supreme court appointment. In appointing Perry, Crist passed by a candidate who was better qualified and was endorsed by “the Florida Police Benevolent Association, law enforcement officials, the National Rifle Association, Florida Right to Life, Florida Family Action, and dozens of other pro-life and pro-family groups around the state and across the country.” (HumanEvents.com) Perry on the other hand was endorsed by Planned Parenthood, the nations largest abortion provider, the NAACP, a leading homosexual activist group, and several other liberal groups.

Perry joined Labarga as one of five justices to vote to take Amendment 9 off of the ballot. Amendment 9 would have given Floridians the right to decide whether to participate in the Federal health care system or not. (HealthCareNewsFlorida.org)

Justice James E.C. Perry, Vote No to Not Retain

Justice Ricky L. Polston, Vote Yes to Retain

Appointed by: Governor Charlie Crist.

Justice Ricky L. Polston is a solid conservative. Prior to becoming a Justice, he defended the state’s “Choose Life” license plate in court. The Choose Life license plate allows owners of automobiles to pay an additional amount with their tag that goes to mothers who choose to give their baby up for adoption. As an appellant court judge, Polston wrote a dissenting opinion in favor of opportunity scholarships (vouchers). Polston has four biological children and has adopted six children from Florida’s foster care system.

Polston joined Canady in a dissenting opinion where Canady argued that the court should have allowed Amendment 9 to stay on the ballot. Amendment 9 would have given Floridians the right to decide whether to participate in the Federal health care system or not. (HealthCareNewsFlorida.org)

Justice Ricky L. Polston, Vote Yes to Retain

For more on the damage judges have wrought in our country, watch my sermon entitled Judicial Activism below:


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  1. I’m sorry, but I don’t have any info on Judge Villanti. When in doubt, vote to not retain the judges as most are bad judges.

    • atty79 on November 2, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    “Pastor” Bryan, I think you meant to say in your last reply, when in doubt, vote to not retain a judge, unless the judge is the Christian god.

    God-forbid you wanting an actual democracy, instead of a theocracy. We may one day lose our freedom. It won’t be from two people marrying, gay or straight, but from people like you who dictate to everyone else what our freedoms ought to be.

  2. Actually, you need to read our founders. Over half had Bible School degrees. The vast majority were Christians, and all but one or two believed in a God who rules in the affairs of men and sets over it whomever He pleases. It was out of this Christian belief that sprang the freedom that you somehow think came from the ACLU or some other liberal group. Christians founded this country on the principles of the Bible, which include liberty and justice for all and freedom.

    • atty79 on November 2, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    Are we reading the same Bible, “Pastor” Bryan?

    Lev 25:44-46, “you may purchase male or female slaves…”.
    Exodus 21:2-6, “if you buy a Hebrew slave…”.
    Exodus 21:7-11 talks about the buying and selling of daughters.
    Exodus 21:20-21 talks about beating your slaves to death without punishment.
    Ephesians 5:22 “…wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
    Ephesians 6:5 “Slaves obey your earthly masters with respect and fear…”

    The list can go on. But I think you get my point. The Bible is anything but a force for “liberty and justice for all.”. Slavery and submission are rampant and permissible throughout the Bible. “Pastor,” I suggest you read your Bible. You may learn something about it. (BTW, isn’t it ironic how you ‘faithful’ extol Leviticus for its condemnation of homoexuality, yet you are mute when it comes to the ownership of slaves permitted by it.)

    • peter on November 2, 2010 at 7:29 pm


    Funny how people who have no clue as to the context of the Old Testament love to use it to support their views. Get a little perspective, your quotes are completely out of context and ignorant.

    • Daniel on November 2, 2010 at 8:10 pm

    Peter and Bryan, thank you for representing the majority of true Americans. It is disgusting how people with no faith want to take other peoples faith away from them like Liberal atty. These types of people want to read the bible with liberal beer goggles on, then tell us what it says, it seems. They only see the world from their minimal perspective, as they are basically uneducated in life. They stay in America, and yet trash everything she was built upon, such as Christianity and freedom.
    They want to make America into a Socialist utopia which doesnt exist, all because of the dumbing down of our education system and liberal ignorance indoctrination. We have supposed lawyers who have never been in a courtroom, and they want to tell us how to interpret the constitution and the bible. They skew the true meaning by leaving out the main context and cherry picking a few sentences. IE atty here. atty should be on MSNBC alongside Ed Shultz or Maddow. I have seen atty posting this spin in several other places, and as usual it is liberal drivel. Nothing more. No substance, just MediaMatters ignorance reposted. Everyone gets a trophy, everyone passes classes no matter how ignorant they are. Oh and everyone can get on a computer and type anti-American rhetoric, while proclaiming to be speaking for the majority. They are only fooling themselves.

    Today is election day. These Socialist-pimping liberals will see just how much of their anti-American propaganda is being believed today when the votes are counted. Their agenda has been exposed just as atty’s has been here. Thank you Bryan for a very factual article that helped me with the justices in my voting. Any hint of Liberal rulings and out they go, period. Especially the nasty little way they took off AMNDT 9 this year, without so much as announcing it to the people for a vote.

    • atty79 on November 2, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    Peter, saying things are out of context doesn’t make them out-of-context.

    Leviticus, as you can read for yourself, should you actually choose to do so (it’s obvious that you haven’t read, or understood, it since you made those context-remarks), you would note were laws handed down to the Israelites.

    Exodus again speaks to the laws and commandments imposed on the Israelites.

    Jesus seemed to be fond of those laws, which were referred to as “Scriptures” back then. He says in Luke 24:44, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”

    Lastly, Ephesians, or more accurately Paul’s letters to the Ephesians, speak for themselves. There’s no interpretation needed. The context is with regard to husbands and wives and slaves and masters.

    Context in this case is not your friend.

    (I would like to point out that if you want to accept that the context of Leviticus and Exodus brings its use out of modern Christianity, I’m willing to accept that argument. But that means people, like the “Pastor”, must stop using it as a weapon against homosexuality.)

    • atty79 on November 2, 2010 at 8:48 pm


    How am I supposed to respond to your diatribe?

    I make a simple straight-forward argument against “Paster” Bryan’s incorrect assertion that the Bible is the force behind “liberty and justice for all”. Your response to that is that I cherry-pick and provide a minimal perspective.

    Isn’t that what you are doing? Consider, after all, that I provided actual citations to support my views, while you have done nothing but spout off your ill-conceived beliefs.

    And by the way, I do not want to see America become a liberal socialist utopia. In fact, I’m a libertarian/old republican–freedom is allowing people to do what they want so long as it doesn’t harm others. I say “old republican” because Christianity and this movement to make America a theocracy under the guise of “freedom” has forced me to leave the current republican party for the libertarian one.

    • maria on November 3, 2010 at 3:18 am

    Some facts about European Union the worlds economy #1, USA the worlds economy #2, and the rest of our planet :

    1) Size of GDP

    2) Historical values Euro vs Dollar

    3) Comparison in quality of medical care developed countries vs USA

    4) Maternity leave, comparison EU vs USA

    5) Obesity rates in USA and the rest of the world

    6) International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds

    Please note that all of the above studies were published in USA, not in EU.
    Mr intelligence, please check obesity rates before kicking my �fat� butt. Also, USSR had never been part of EU. Please google EU and learn who the members are.
    And yes, I did not have to work while studying in Spain. School was free and I god substantial scholarship. Working as MD in USA I probably make few times more than you do. Too bad you did not have privilege of free education in EU. Too bad.

  3. So you list wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia where anyone and everyone contributes regardless their qualifications or lack thereof, and the NY Times, one of the most liberal news papers in the US. Sorry, but you’ll need to come up with some credible references.

    • maria on November 4, 2010 at 3:11 am

    Wikipedia is a place that everyone can edit, true. However, editing board consist of about ten thousand experts which combs through text daily and removes inapropriate info.

    Wikipedia is only publishing the research done by someone else. The sources are listed. For GDP for example, sources are IMF, World Bank and CIA factbook. All other sources are also included. If you go to Encyclopedia Britanica you will find same data. If yo use google, yahoo or msn search you will find the same numbers. All sources are based on facts, unlike your writing which is based on emotions and is therefore full of contradictions.

    Conservative Americans are a strange breed. When faced with the message they do not like, they choose not to look into themselves and retrospect, but to kill the messenger.

    BTW, it seems that all judges in Florida are staying. No one was removed. Tell me if I am wrong.

  4. In Biblical slavery, the slave personally received monetary compensation at the beginning of the period of service. The slave could use this money to pay off debts. Slavery was not a pleasant situation to be in for a reason, to discourage it. Anyone entering into such an agreement would do so of his own free will and would personally benefit financially for the transaction. Obviously, only the poor of the land who had no other way to pay their debt would choose such a lifestyle.

    Slavery in America and the rest of the world at the founding of this country involved black men kidnapping black men and women from other tribes and selling them to slave traders. God forbade kidnapping and placed the death penalty on anyone guilty of it. Exodus 21:16 (It’s convenient that you skipped that part of the chapter: isn’t it?)

    It is true that God commands women to submit to their husbands, but again, you’re very selective in your scriptures. He commands husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How did Christ love the church? Any husband who would lay down his life for his wife every day will not be a hard task master.

    If wish to live in a nation without God, move to communist China where Christians go to prison and are tortured for their faith. You happen to live in the United States which was founded by Christians who applied Biblical principals to government. Our founders knew that you will not find freedom and liberty in any nation that does not honor God’s word. You would do well to read their writings and the Bible and apply it’s principles to your life, your family, your church, and your city, state, and nation!

    • maria on November 4, 2010 at 10:16 am

    You say: So you list wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia where anyone and everyone contributes regardless their qualifications or lack thereof, and the NY Times, one of the most liberal news papers in the US. Sorry, but you�ll need to come up with some credible references.

    I answer with “more credible references”:

    1) Size of GDP
    1. ^ International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, October 2010: Nominal GDP list of countries. Data for the year 2009.
    2. ^ “Gross domestic product (2009)”. The World Bank: World Development Indicators database. World Bank. 27 September 2010. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/DATASTATISTICS/Resources/GDP.pdf. Retrieved 2010-10-05.
    3. ^ Field listing – GDP (official exchange rate), CIA World Factbook
    4. ^ a b “Nominal 2009 GDP for the world and the European Union.”. World economic outlook database, October 2010. International Monetary Fund. http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2010/02/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=37&pr.y=15&sy=2009&ey=2009&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=001%2C998&s=NGDPD&grp=1&a=1. Retrieved 2010-10-06.

    2) Historical values Euro vs Dollar

    3) Comparison in quality of medical care developed countries vs USA
    1. ^ “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International Update on the Comparative Performance of American Health Care”. The Commonwealth Fund. May 15, 2007. http://www.commonwealthfund.org/Content/Publications/Fund-Reports/2007/May/Mirror–Mirror-on-the-Wall–An-International-Update-on-the-Comparative-Performance-of-American-Healt.aspx. Retrieved March 7, 2009.
    2. ^ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. “OECD Health Data 2008: How Does Canada Compare” (pdf). http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/46/33/38979719.pdf. Retrieved 2009-01-09..
    3. ^ Updated statistics from a 2009 report
    4. ^ OECD Health Data 2009 – Frequently Requested Data

    4) Maternity leave, comparison EU vs USA
    1. ^ a b Department of Business Enterprise & Regulation (2007)(ed.): Internal Review of Leave Policies and Related Research 2007, in: Employment Relations Research Series No. 80, p. 96, URL: http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file40677.pdf
    2. ^ The paternal leave rights are compiled from the International Labour Organization site at http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/condtrav/family/reconcilwf/specialleave.htm copyrighted 2006. This site does not list the amount paid for paid leave. Where information from the International Labour Organization disagreed with http://ec.europa.eu/eures/home.jsp?lang=en, the EU site has been given precedence
    3. ^ Updated September 2008, from http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/products/indwm/ww2005/tab5c.htm
    4. ^ Information on Swedish parental leave from http://www.forsakringskassan.se/
    5. ^ “Paternity leave and pay: UK Directgov”. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Moneyandworkentitlements/WorkAndFamilies/Paternityrightsintheworkplace/DG_10029398. Retrieved 2009-06-15.
    6. ^ “Parental leave: Directgov UK”. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Moneyandworkentitlements/WorkAndFamilies/Parentalleaveandflexibleworking/DG_10029416. Retrieved 2009-06-15..

    5) Obesity rates in USA and the rest of the world
    1. ^ “Childhood Obesity”. http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/child_obesity/. Retrieved 2010-03-31.
    2. ^ a b Andreyeva, Tatiana; Sturm, Roland; Ringel, Jeanne S (2004), “Moderate and Severe Obesity Have Large Differences in Health Care Costs”, Obesity Research 12 (12): 1936â��1943, doi:10.1038/oby.2004.243, PMID 15687394
    3. ^ Chamberlain, Joan (2008) (PDF), Fact sheet: Type 2 diabetes, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    6) International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds
    1. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD PISA (Program for Student Assessment) 2003 database.
    2.Read more: International Comparison of Math, Reading, and Science Skills Among 15-Year-Olds � Infoplease.com http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0923110.html#ixzz14J61748r

    Are you happy now? None of references are from New York Times or Wikipedia.
    Tell me what you think? And please, do not kill messenger.

    • oscar on November 11, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Pastor, why you do not answer Maria’s provocative questions? Does your silence mean that she is right and you have nothing to say?

    • maria on November 14, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    Pastor Brian can speak only when emotions are involved.
    When he is presented with pure facts, he is speechless…

  5. 1) So the GDP of 27 countries combined is larger than the USA? Am I supposed to be impressed with this stat? If it took 27 football teams to outscore one team, I’d hardly say that was a great achievement.
    2) For nearly 80 years, the US government has been manipulating the value of our dollar. Changing the value of the dollar is theft, and I stand firmly against such actions. I recently preached a sermon on this very subject: listen here.
    3) You may feel you have a higher quality of medical care than we do, but wait until you get older and need care and can’t get it or get inferior service. Then come back and tell me how great your healthcare system is. I wonder if we should ask the woman who received a lung transplant from a woman who smoked for 30 years. Oh yeah, we can’t ask her, she died.
    This isn’t to say that Americans are more healthy than those in Europe. Our diet and lifestyle, not our medical system is to blame here though. I am a firm believer in proactive personal responsibility which is why I am a vegan who eats mostly raw fruits and vegetables.
    4) Mothers in the US can stay at home if they choose to do so. Up until World War II and even after, this was the norm. Women have chosen to put their careers above their families however. My wife has stayed at home most of our marriage, only working when we absolutely need her to work.
    5) Again, I refer you to my second paragraph under 3. Americans are obese because even the poor in the US can afford more meat than the middle class in Europe. Americans also consume large amounts of high calorie, high fat, high carbohydrate junk food. These poor dietary decisions directly correlate with the medical problems you referenced in 3). Again, I choose to consume a different diet and weight within 10 pounds of my high school weight.
    6) Our academic performance in America has declined rapidly as we have removed God from schools and have departed from His principles. The breaking up of many families has played a large role in this. Our schools and parents have removed discipline from the equation as well, and we’ve allowed unions to protect bad teachers. Our nation does have plenty of private schools that offer superior education however.
    In America, a poor kid can achieve and become a doctor, lawyer, or even president. What’s more, even high school drop outs can achieve great success. This is evidenced by the fact that the majority of decamillionaires in America performed poorly in school.

  6. Actually, responding to socialists who’ve commented on a post is not the only responsibility I have in life.

    • maria on November 20, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    1) So the GDP of 27 countries combined is larger than the USA? Am I supposed to be impressed with this stat? If it took 27 football teams to outscore one team, I’d hardly say that was a great achievement.
    No, it took only 27 States of EU to outscore 50 States of USA.

    2) For nearly 80 years, the US government has been manipulating the value of our dollar.
    Why are Americans manipulating the value of dollar? Because US economy is getting behind. Do you know a better explanation?
    3) You may feel you have a higher quality of medical care than we do, but wait until you get older and need care and can’t get it or get inferior service.
    Medical service delivered to average Joe in EU is superior to the one delivered to average Joe in USA. This is why average person in EU lives longer than counterpart in USA. It seems that you did not go to references I supplied.
    4) Mothers in the US can stay at home if they choose to do so.
    Really, I know many moms in USA who simply cannot afford to stay at home because they need money to pay for education and medical insurance. They have no option but to toil for the rich.
    5) Again, I refer you to my second paragraph under 3. Americans are obese because even the poor in the US can afford more meat than the middle class in Europe.
    If this is so, why than Americans are so much fatter? Are they retards choosing bad options ?
    6a) Our academic performance in America has declined rapidly as we have removed God from schools and have departed from His principles.
    Really, god is removed from life much more in EU than in USA, yet performance in EU is superior. Better find another excuse.
    6b) In America, a poor kid can achieve and become a doctor, lawyer, or even president. What’s more, even high school drop outs can achieve great success.
    If this is so, why than average American kids lags so far behind the rest of the world? Yes some can achieve, but most cannot.

    Pastor, you need to educate yourself a bit better. A bit of socialism is not bad for a nation. It is bad for superrich that run USA, but it is good for most of people. I hope Obama is reelected. Communism is bad, and so is capitalism with no free education, no universal health care and no future for children of poor parents.

    • maria on December 2, 2010 at 7:36 am

    WASHINGTON – House Republicans have temporarily blocked legislation to feed school meals to thousands more hungry children. Republicans used a procedural maneuver Wednesday to try to amend the $4.5 billion bill, which would give more needy children the opportunity to eat free lunches at school and make those lunches healthier. First lady Michelle Obama has lobbied for the bill as part of her “Let’s Move” campaign to combat childhood obesity…

    How typical for god fearing republicans. It is much cheaper to preach about Jesus, abstinence, and virtues of sexual fidelity than to fed kids of poor parents. How typical….. I wonder what excuse pastor will create on this one…

  7. Maria,
    The US Constitution doesn’t authorize the federal government to collect taxes for the purposes of feeding children. Our founding fathers knew that family members, private individuals, churches, and civic organizations perform this task much for efficiently than government. Why would the first lady ask for provisions in a bill that congress isn’t constitutionally authorized to fulfill? And why would the first lady and the Democrats believe that it’s the Federal Government’s job to determine whether schools can hold bake sales or not? Are the local citizens incapable of making such decisions?

    • maria on December 7, 2010 at 11:16 am

    Dear pastor:

    How do you reconcile interesting fact that countries that score highest regarding education score lowest in religious beliefs?


    How do you reconcile fact that most religious states in USA are the poorest, and that most religious countries in the world are poorest too?


    How do you explain the fact that Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD, 153 years after it accepted Christianity as its official religion? Did Christianity destroyed empire?


    • maria on December 7, 2010 at 11:18 am

    Our founding fathers knew that family members, private individuals, churches, and civic organizations perform this task much for efficiently than government…

    Where than is the proof of this efficiency? Maybe in the fact that US kids are fattest in our planet?

    • maria on December 19, 2010 at 2:06 pm

    Senate repealed dont ask dont tell. Finally a step in the right (correct) direction.
    In most EU countries gays can serve openly for decades. It is great that USA finally follows the rest of civilized world.

    • maria on December 19, 2010 at 2:12 pm

    I wish all of my four biological children to be happy. They are still small. But if any of them happen to be gay, I want him or her to live in a tolerant society, not in the religious state.

    Spanish inquisition was probably the worst in Europe. Tens of thousands of heretics, mostly women, were burned alive. The stenchs of burned human flesh was very common in middle age Spain. People were tortured in the name of god.

    I am happy those times are over. You pastor should be happy too.

  8. Maria,
    First, I don’t think either of us has ever witnessed anyone being burned at the stake, so please support your positions with relevant facts.
    Second, if one of your sons becomes gay, I would hope that you would love him enough to warn him of the dangers of a homosexual lifestyle. Homosexuals have a drastically shorter lifespan than heterosexuals. It just so happens that God hasn’t designed certain parts of our bodies to be inserted into another persons rectum. When we sin sexually, we sin against our own bodies. This is most evident when we cast off the restraints God has placed on us for our good, not for our harm, and women lust for women and men for men.

    • maria on December 23, 2010 at 4:15 am

    No, we have not witnesed burning of humans at the stake in our lifetime, because the times of unlimited power of church are over. Church lost it once absolute power because people of reason spoke against irrational fear funneled by religious fanatics. People are turning from religious dogma towards reason.

    If your son happens to be gay, he would most likely commit suicide. Not because of his sexual orientation, but because of father you are. You, not his presumed homosexuality, would shorten his life.

  9. Certainly, religious organizations have done bad things in the name of Christ, but Christianity has ended oppression and elevated the status of women. I invite you to join me in ending abortion, which is the ultimate form of child abuse.

    Concerning the sin of sodomy, boys become gay due to a lack of a healthy relationship with a dad who loves them shows them the affections they need or because they are molested by a homosexual. Boys who exhibit feminine traits are often made fun of and called gay buy other kids. This also plays a role in steering boys toward homosexuality. I do love my son and show him the affection he needs and am confident that he will not reject the natural design of our bodies to follow a destructive lifestyle that results in a much shorter lifespan for homosexuals. I hope that your sons have a loving father in your life as well.

    • maria on December 26, 2010 at 12:51 pm

    Your claims have no scientific data. You say that “boys become gay due to a lack of a healthy relationship with a dad who loves them and shows them the affections they need or because they are molested by a homosexual”.

    Research has proven otherwise. Distant fathers are no more common in families where gay sons were born (or raised) than in families with straight sons.

    However, research also found that self-acceptance of gay identity decreases sexual risk behavior and increases psychological health in US young gay men.

    As before, your claims have no scientific proof. Except maybe “science” created by FRC.

  10. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  11. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  12. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  13. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  14. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  15. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  16. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  17. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  18. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

  19. Have you updated your research on this year's election cycle as far as the judges are concerned. Great work on the 2010 cycle!

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

    • Graciela Greenberg on October 19, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    who are you to recommend judges. stick to religion and lead the sheep who follow you blindly.

  20. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  21. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

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