Learn How the Abortion Pill Can be Reversed!

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Abortion Pill Reversal

Abortion Pill Reversal

I’m sure you’ve heard of the abortion pill commonly known as RU-486. The abortion pill does cause the death of the mother’s preborn child. Until recently, women who had taken the abortion pill and afterward regretted their decision have had no hope to stop the abortion pill from killing their child. But not anymore!

Thanks to the work of prolife physicians and pregnancy centers, the abortion pill can now be reversed if action is taken shortly after taking it. Join Personhood FL’s October volunteer conference call Tuesday, October 27 8:00 – 9:00 PM EST to hear our guest Janet Custer explain this cutting edge technology that allows the reversal of the abortion pill. Register for Personhood FL’s October volunteer call here. You’ll also learn how you can help a mother who has taken the abortion pill find help to save the life of her baby.

You’ll also learn how you can help Personhood Florida restore the culture of life. Personhood Florida President, Pastor Bryan Longworth, and Volunteer Director, David Borrera, will share about the many ways you can work toward the day when all humans, born and preborn, will be protected.

Register for Personhood FL’s October volunteer call here.

Janet Custer Bio

Janet Custer Pregnancy Resource Center

Janet Custer

Raised in a third world country, Janet Custer has seen firsthand how lack of resources and education harms a community and in particular women. Her unwavering belief that every life matters is what brought her to the Pregnancy Resource Center. A graduate of the University of Florida and transplant from the east coast, she now lives in Naples and has been the Executive Director at PRC since 2013. Her first accomplishment as Executive Director was to open a medical clinic in North Naples where women facing unplanned pregnancies come and receive free pregnancy assessment, pregnancy tests, sonograms and pre-natal vitamins. Her sights are now set on opening three more clinics within the next five years.

Knowing that a real choice requires truthful information, she assembled a team of medical professionals and advocates who compassionately and patiently inform patients of their options, risks, and benefits. Those that choose to parent yet lack resources are invited to the Education Center where Care Plans focused on education are customized after their needs and questions.

Believing that God changes the world one life at a time, Mrs. Custer envisions a community where every woman is cared for and every baby is wanted. She is grateful to her husband David of 30 years, their 4 children, two now married, and one grandson Jack. She lives by the verse in Luke 12:48 “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return”.

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