Tag: Martin County Sheriff

Pray, Pray, Pray & Vote Today!!!

Primary Election 2012 Vote ProLife

If you haven’t done so yet, pray for God’s will to be done in today’s election, and pray for victory for prolife candidates. If you haven’t voted yet, what are you waiting for? Get out and vote! Remember: Pray, Pray, Pray, and Vote Today!

You Can Vote Twice Tomorrow! Learn How Here!

Wouldn’t you love to vote twice tomorrow? Well, you can! Learn How Here!

Primary Election Endorsed & Recommended Candidates for US Senate, St Lucie County, Martin County, Ft Pierce, & Port St Lucie, FL

I have worked diligently to provide voter guides to help you determine who to vote for, but several have asked me to provide a list of endorsed candidates. My wife, father, mother, and grandmother even asked me for a list of candidates! Here is the list!

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