Primary Election Endorsed & Recommended Candidates for US Senate, St Lucie County, Martin County, Ft Pierce, & Port St Lucie, FL

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Vote ProLife

Vote ProLife

I have worked diligently to provide voter guides to help you determine who you want to vote for, but several have asked me to provide a list of endorsed candidates. My wife, father, mother, and great grandmother even asked me for a list of candidates! Here is the list!

Download the list of endorsed candidates for US Senate, St Lucie, and Martin County: 2012 Primary Candidate Endorsements & Recommendations Post Card. The list is in a convenient post card that prints 4 per page. Print out one or more pages, cut the cards, share them with friends, and take one with you to vote. Note: check the Florida Votes Values Voter Guide for differences between the endorsed candidates in the St Lucie County Commission District 5 race.

View Personhood FL ProLife PAC ProLife Endorsements covering federal, state, and local races throughout Florida. All endorsed candidates affirmed a comprehensive set of prolife principles covering not only abortion but also abortion funding, RU-486, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, fetal tissue research, and assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Download the Florida Family Policy Council Voter Guide covering Federal and State races throughout Florida.

Download the Florida Votes Values Voter Guide covering races in Saint Lucie County, Port St Lucie, and Ft Pierce, Florida.


3 pings

  1. Thanks for the voter guide. Now I know that I will not vote for any
    of the candidates that you have endorsed.

  2. Thanks for the voter guide. Now I know that I will not vote for any
    of the candidates that you have endorsed.

  3. Since the candidates you're referring to ran in 2012, we can safely say that no one will vote for them in this election because they aren't running in this election!

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