I Need Your Help Distributing Christian Coalition Voter Guides

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Help Distribute Christian Coalition Voter Guide Distribution in Indian River, Okeechobee, Martin and St Lucie Counties

We have printed copies of the FL Christian Coalition Voter Guide coming this week for Indian River, Okeechobee, Martin and St Lucie Counties. I need 20 volunteers in each of the above counties to distribute Local (St Lucie County) and Florida Christian Coalition (all counties) voter guides to local churches, synagogues, ministerial associations, and civic organizations. We will have printed copies of the Florida Christian Coalition Voter Guides available for distribution this week in all counties. In St Lucie County, we will distribute one local Christian Coalition voter guide per church and ask the churches to make additional copies.

Are you willing to help distribute voter guides to all churches in your County? I need 20 volunteers in each county to distribute the guides. Please let me know by sending me an e-mail or commenting to this post online: http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/27/i-need-your-help-distributing-christian-coalition-voter-guides/.

Are you a pastor or elder who can distribute the Christian Coalition Voter Guides in your church? Let me know how many voter guides you need.

Are you a church member willing to help distribute the Christian Coalition Voter Guides in your church? Please speak with your pastor or church leadership to gain approval and let me know how many voter guide copies you need.

Will you help me distribute the voter guides? Please let me know by sending me an e-mail or commenting to this post online: http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/27/i-need-your-help-distributing-christian-coalition-voter-guides/.

Passing Out Non-Partisan Voter Guides is Legal

Churches may distributed non-partisan voter guides (such as the Christian Coalition voter guides) and may take positions supporting or opposing constitutional amendments and legislation without jeopardizing their 501C3 tax exempt status. Visit (http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=16245#pastors) to learn what pastors and churches can legally do in regards to voter registration, voter guides, and other activities.

Voter Guide Links

Below are links to voter guides and my recommendations for the FL Supreme Court and 4th District Court of Appeals. In each, I explain the rationale behind my recommendations. For those living in other districts, refer to the United Christians of Florida site. Please note that the United Christians of Florida and my Judicial voter guides are partisan. As such, distributing these information in churches would violate the Johnson Amendment to the IRS 501c3 code. Anyone considering passing out partisan voter guides in church, should contact the Alliance Defense Fund prior to doing so at http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/.

Non-Partisan Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/19/florida-and-local-christian-coalition-voter-guides-are-ready-for-distribution/

Florida Constitutional Amendment Recommendations http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/16/florida-constitutional-amendment-recomendations/

Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/21/florida-supreme-court-and-4th-district-court-of-appeals-judges-up-for-retention/

Saint Lucie County League of Women Voters’ Decision 2010 General Election Forum Video: http://stluciefl.iqm2.com/Citizens/VideoScreen.aspx?MediaURL=mms://Media2.IQM2.com/a1607/o21/StLucieFL/1742.wmv

Martin County Political Forum Audio: http://www.wpsl.com/audio/Martin%20County%20Forum%2010-6-10.MP3

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