Category: Abortion

Election Day Sermon, Applying Biblical Principles to Government, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

We read this morning from Psalm 33 about how Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that nations are not protected by the multitude of their army or the power of their military force but there protected based on the protection of God God’s sovereignty and that is most often based on whether that nation is obeying God’s word or violating God’s word.

In proverbs 14:34 we read, “righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” and in Proverbs 28:12, we learn, “When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.” (Ref. vs. 28) (NKJV)

Watch the “Florida Awake! Presidential Candidate Forum” Today!

Liberty Counsel has had an incredible response for its “Florida Awake! Presidential Candidate Forum with Q&A” happening today, (Saturday) January 28, 2012, from 3:30-5:00 p.m. EST. The forum is sponsored by Liberty Counsel and cosponsored by Personhood USA. Tickets were snapped up days ago, and we are working on overflow seating. Doors will open at 2:00 p.m. EST. Watch live video here.

Where Do the Presidential Candidates Stand on the Sanctity of Human Life?

Which Republican Presidential Candidates signed the Personhood Pledge and have participated in the ProLife Presidential Forums? Which candidate shares your values? Learn where the candidates stand on the sanctity of human life

We Can’t Afford to Elect Obama Lite. We Must Elect Rick Santorum for President!

America is at critical stage in history. We’ve had a long chain of Republican and Democratic administrations that have spent more of our money and taken more control of our lives. They have done so while most Americans sat on the couch.

We sat on the couch and watched George W Bush run up large deficits as he spent money faster than it came in. We sat by when he added unsustainable expenses to already strapped federal programs. Many even sat by when he bailed out huge mega banks that were “too big to fail.”

Then came Barrack Obama.

Collect Personhood Petition Signatures at Republican Presidential Events

To get the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment on the ballot in 2014, we need to collect nearly 700,000 valid petition signed. To do that we need your help to petition among your family, friends, and neighbors, at your church, at Christian events, at political events, and at other public events, and with Republican Presidential candidates in Florida for the Presidential Preference Primary, prolifers have an excellent opportunity to collect signatures for the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.

Stand for Life at Florida Sanctity of Human Life Events

Sunday, January 22, 2012 marks the 39th anniversary of the Dreadful Roe vs Wade decision. Since 1973, over 55,000,000 preborn girls and boys have been killed by abortion, and millions of moms and dads have been wounded. This weekend, prolifers from around the state will gather for prolife events, and pastors will preach prolife sermons. We encourage you to stand for life at the event closest to you and collect signatures for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.

Watch Live Tonight: Presidential ProLife Forum

The Presidential Pro-life Forum sponsored by Personhood USA and featuring Texas Governor Rick Perry, Texas Congressman Ron Paul, former Pennsylvania Governor Rick Santorum, and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich will be live streamed. To watch, visit tonight (Wednesday, January 18) at 6:45 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Martin Luther King, Jr Was ProLife! MLK’s Niece is Supports Personhood!

Martin Luther King Jr MLK Was ProLife

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) was prolife reveals his niece, Dr. Alveda King. “In advising men and women on questions of personal behavior 50 years ago, Uncle Martin sounded no different than a conservative Christian preacher does now,” said Dr. King. “He was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of the Bible.” Alveda King continues MLK’s prolife legacy by defending the right to life of all innocent humans, including the unborn, elderly, and disabled and compares abortion to slavery.
Even as Dred Scott was considered less than fully human, such is the case for the preborn babies in the womb,” said Dr. Alveda King in an endorsement of the

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Endorses the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment

Personhood Florida received a major endorsement this week from Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins. In his endorsement, Perkins said, “I applaud the good folks of Florida for challenging the culture of death and championing life at all stages. The Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment is a reflection of a growing pro-life sentiment across the country and points toward a post-Roe era. I support the petition drive for this amendment and look forward to the day it can go before the voters in Florida.”

Last Chance to Register for Tonight’s Conference Call! Help Us Contact Every Church, Every Pastor

This is the last chance to register for tonight’s conference call. This call will cover the new Florida ProLife Personhood Petition and key strategies for ending abortion and protecting all innocent human life.

We currently are working on a plan to contact every church in Florida between now and the end of the year so that the churches can present the Florida ProLife Personhood Petition to their parishioners in January, but we need your help to accomplish this. Will you help us take the message of life to every church, every pastor in your county? Please join us for a conference call/training tonight (Thursday, January 5 from 9 – 10 PM) where we’ll go over how to contact the churches and pastors and the new FL ProLife Personhood Petition. You’ll receive the call number and code after registering. Register to join us on the call below.

Last Day to Register to Vote! Don’t Let Someone Choose for You!

Your Vote Counts Register to Vote

In America, we have the opportunity to elect our political leaders. Our founding fathers considered voting not only a right but also a duty. At the founding of this country, 100% of the citizens voted. Today, around 25% vote in general elections, and around 15% vote in primaries. And to think that our founders pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish this great country so that Americans can sit on the couch watching American Idol. Many of these same, non-voting Americans even have the nerve to complain about how the government is run! It’s time to get off of the couch, register to vote, and fulfill our duty to actively participate in the election process!

Today, Tuesday, January 3, is the last day to register to vote in the upcoming January 31 Florida Republican Presidential Preference Primary. Of course, you can register for any party of your choice or no party, but if you wish to participate in selecting the presidential candidate for the Republican party, you must be registered as a Republican no later than end of business today. Don’t stand by and let someone else choose the candidate, and by all means, don’t complain about the candidate if you don’t participate in the election process! Register to vote today! Educate yourself on where the candidates stand, and then

Sermon, 2012 – The End of an Error! Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

You’ve probably seen the bumper sticker that reads: 2012: The end of an error. It’s probably on the car of a Republican who wants to see the end of the Obama administration.

2012 is a new year, and with a new year, we look for change. We look for the new year to be better than the previous year.

Certainly, we have been in some tough economic times in this country. These times have led many to ask, “How’s that hope and change working for you?” Certainly for a lot of people, not as well as they had hoped.

First Ever National Presidential Pro-Life, Pro-Personhood Forum

We are excited to announce the first ever Presidential Pro-Life Forum, a national tele-town hall and radio simulcast presented by Personhood USA in partnership with other national pro-life organizations onTuesday, December 27, 8:00 – 9:30 pm CST.

All Presidential candidates have been invited to participate, and, as of this moment, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry are confirmed.

Merry Christmas from Pastor Bryan Longworth, Every Baby is a Gift from God

At this time of year, we remember the Christ child. Conceived by an unwed young girl and born in a lowly manger, the circumstances of his conception and birth could easily be described a crisis pregnancy, yet Jesus was and is the greatest gift of all.

Every child is a gift from God, regardless the circumstances surround her conception and birth. While not every child is planned or comes under perfect circumstances, every child is a blessing, for every child bears God’s image reminding us of how valuable we are to Him! How His heart must break when we despise His gift and seek abortion to kill the precious gift of God in the womb.

Our founding fathers recognized that “all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life

Sermon, 12-18-11, What Kind of Nation Have We Become When We Value Possessions More Than Human Life, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

You may recall the video on the Internet of the little girl in China who wandered away from her mom and wandered into the road where she was ran over by a van. Since China is a police state with cameras everywhere, the event was caught on video. You can see the passenger of the van look out and see the girl before the van drives away. Multiple people passed by, saw the girl dying in the middle of the street, and just walked on by.
I want to take you to another scene, one in America where shoppers walked over a dying man to preserve their place in the black Friday line. What kind of country have we become when life is so invaluable and when our focus is so much on material possessions and not on glorifying God, and when in this time economic uncertainty, in this time of need, in this time when we have a record number of foreclosures and people can’t pay their bills, we see more money spent on black Friday than any other Christmas ever? What kind of people have we become?
Watch the full sermon to hear how we need to seek to glorify God more than our possessions, restore the sanctity of human life, and restore fiscal responsibility. Mentioned in this sermon Abortion, the ProLife Personhood Movement, the Tea Party Movement, and Occupy Wall Street.

Help Print & Distribute the New Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition!

Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment, and we need your help to print and distribute it. Will you volunteer to print and distribute copies of the petition to your family, friends, neighbors, church members, etc? Will your church print prolife petitions for their members to sign Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 22? Do you know a prolife printer who is willing to print large quantities of the petition at a reduced cost or no cost? Are you willing to donate to help Personhood FL print and distribute petitions to every county in Florida?

Everyone who previously signed the old Florida Personhood Amendment, will need to sign the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition. (Please sign the new petition in January.) If you donated your time, talents, and money to help with the old petition, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You helped us find over 20,000 prolife Floridians! We need your help now to help print and distribute the new petition. Can we count on your help?

Personhood FL Launches New Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition!

Have you heard the news? Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment. Personhood FL will collect petition signatures from registered Florida voters January 2012 – December 2013. We need your help to contact every church, every pastor in your county!

Because of a bill passed by the FL Legislature this year that changed the shelf life of the petition signatures from 4 years to 2 years, we are launching a new two year petitioning effort beginning January 2012. We have taken this opportunity to launch the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment based on language endorsed by

Happy Thanksgiving from Personhood Florida, Help Us End Abortion

This is the time of year when we pause to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. Let us rejoice that our mothers chose life! God has given us the opportunity to live and the responsibility to work so that all may live free!

When I think about what Personhood Florida has been able to accomplish in the past year, I thank God! In the past two years:

We have developed connections with prolife people across the

We will not give up! We Will End Abortion! Will You Help?

With the loss of Mississippi’s Initiative 26, many in the prolife movement and the media have asked what is our strategy here in Florida. They are quick to point out that Mississippi is more prolife than Florida and ask how we think we can win if a similar initiative can’t even pass in Mississippi.
The good news is that leading up to and following the Mississippi vote, Personhood FL has linked up with new volunteers who are willing to help make the case for life in their county! We currently are working on a plan to contact every church in Florida between now and the end of the year so that the churches can present the Florida ProLife Personhood Petition to their parishioners in January, but we need your help to accomplish this. Will you help us take the message of life to every church, every pastor in your county? Please join us for a conference call/training tomorrow (Tuesday, November 15 from 9 – 10 PM) where we’ll go over how to contact the churches and pastors and the new FL ProLife Personhood Petition. This call will cover key strategies for ending abortion and protecting all innocent human life. Register to join us on the call below.

One Nation Under God Event Coming to Port Saint Lucie, Florida Saturday November 12

One Nation Under God Event

We’ve lost sight of our great heritage as a nation founded on Biblical truth, and the consequences are dire. It’s time to reclaim our Biblical heritage and bring God back to the center of American life.
On November 12, we’ll hear top American thinkers and leaders on how to view history and current events in light of God’s Word, and how to take action that aligns with His truth.
Speakers include: Focus on the Family Founder, Dr. James Dobson; American Historian David Barton, WallBuilders; Former Congressman Bob McEwen; Lila Rose, Live Action Films; Dr. Timothy Johnson; Rev. Samuel Rodriguez; Speaker Newt Gingrich; and John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council

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