Category: Saint Lucie County

Don’t Like What’s Happening in Government? Do Something About It!

Are you as tired as I am at seeing liberal candidates whose policies are destroying our cities, counties, states, and nation get elected? Are you tired of seeing your God given rights trampled? Are you tired of seeing good, conservative candidates and the values we hold dear lose? Then, you must turn off the TV, get off of your couch, and join me in campaigning for conservative candidates. I’ll tell you how you can be involved below, but first

$500,000 of Your Local Tax Dollars will Support Planned Parenthood, if You Don’t Stand Up!

Are your LOCAL taxes being used to fund Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the USA? YES! The running total is $3.5 million tax dollars in the last several years that the CSC has funded to Planned Parenthood; Planned Parenthood makes over $100 million profit annually, so while you are struggling to make ends meet, the CSC is giving your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood; While they do not fund abortions directly, their programs promote promiscuity and help funnel teenage girls into abortion clinics

Get out your property tax bill, and hold onto your wallet!

Get out your property tax bill and hold onto your wallet! During the boom years when property values sky rocketed, politicians cut millage rates slightly, claiming they were cutting taxes, but budgets ballooned! Today, many are raising millage rates and claiming that they aren’t raising our taxes. St Lucie’s CSC is set to give another $500,000 of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider!

15 Days to Vote – Support Conservative Candidates, Saint Lucie County, FL!

Early voting starts today and Election Day is only 15 days away. Thankfully, we have several resources to help us decide who to vote for. I am happy to inform you that local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are available for St Lucie County at I also expect state Christian Coalition Voter Guides for Indian River, St Lucie, Martin, and all other Florida counties to be available later today at St Lucie County voters may also wish to view the League of Women Voters forum and the St Lucie Chamber of Commerce Candidate Questionnaire. I encourage you to utilize these resources to educate yourself on where the candidates stand on the issues.
Several have asked me to provide a list of candidates I’m endorsing and/or supporting in the primary election. I am going to provide this list for State and St Lucie County Races.

We Need To Put Prayer Back in Public Schools

From the founding of our country, until the 1960s, the Bible, prayer, and the Ten Commandments played a significant role in our public school system. In the 1960s, the biggest problems schools faces were talking in class, chewing gum, and truancy. Today, our schools deal with drug and alcohol abuse, rampant sexual promiscuity (and the pregnancy, STIs – Sexually Transmitted Infections, and abortion that comes with such behavior), and violence, including rape, gang activity, and even mass murder.

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