Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) was prolife reveals his niece, Dr. Alveda King. “In advising men and women on questions of personal behavior 50 years ago, Uncle Martin sounded no different than a conservative Christian preacher does now,” said Dr. King. “He was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of the Bible.” Alveda King continues MLK’s prolife legacy by defending the right to life of all innocent humans, including the unborn, elderly, and disabled and compares abortion to slavery.
Even as Dred Scott was considered less than fully human, such is the case for the preborn babies in the womb,” said Dr. Alveda King in an endorsement of the
Tag: preborn
Jan 16
Martin Luther King, Jr Was ProLife! MLK’s Niece is Supports Personhood!
Nov 10
ProLife Personhood Amendment is on the Move in Florida
As our Floridian Founding Fathers said in the preamble of our Constitution,
“We, the people of the State of Florida, being grateful to Almighty God for our constitutional liberty, in order to secure its benefits, …. do ordain and establish this constitution…. All natural persons, female and male alike, are equal before the law and have inalienable rights, among which are the right to enjoy and defend life…”
As Floridians, we want to restore this state to that covenant by ending abortion through a Constitutional Amendment called Personhood. This defines the pre-born, the elderly and the disabled as persons so that their lives are protected by love and by law. We are asking every church, every pastor to petition for personhood on January 22, 2012, the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Will you join us and help us get the word out? We have specific strategy and we need Christians to pray.
Aug 22
Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, Training Our Children to Obey God Where We Have Failed to Do So Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle, Personhood
No parent wants to admit to their children that they have made mistakes in the past, yet that is exactly what God asks parents in general and fathers in particular in Psalm 78. In the 60s, we saw the rise of the sexual revolution in America, and the promiscuity has gotten progressively worse since that time. It is time that we turn back to God and look at His principles and His precepts. Here in Psalm 78:1-8, we read,
Jul 18
Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW – And Who Is My Neighbor? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
Why We Must End Abortion NOW, And Who is My Neighbor? The Scribes and Pharacies were always trying to trick Jesus into saying something that would get Him in trouble. They laid such a trap for Jesus when a lawyer asked Him which is the most important commandment. Jesus answered the question with a question. The lawyer answered correctly that we are to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus affirmed the answer directing the man, “do this and you will live,” but the lawyer wanting to justify himself said and who is my neighbor? Jesus then shared one of the most powerful parables in the Bible, the parable of the good Samaritan. A Jewish man is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. A priest came by and walked right by, refusing to be neighbor to the injured man. A Levite did the same. Then came a Samaritan. you may recall that the Jews despised Samaritans and viewed them as half breeds which they were because they were from Jewish decent whose parents had intermarried with pagan nations. The Samaritan bandaged the man’s wounds, carried him on his donkey to an inn, cared for him, and paid the inn keeper additional money to care for the man until he could care for himself. The Samaritan, was neighbor to the man in the ditch.
The lawyer asked, “and who is my neighbor”? In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus flips the question and asks who will you be neighbor to? The Priest wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. The Levite wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. But the despised Samaritan was neighbor him.
And how about you? Preborn baby girls and boys are lying in the ditch scheduled for slaughter by safe, legal abortion. Will you pass by on the other side of the street, or will you be neighbor to the preborn?
Jan 23
Is Your Church Petitioning for Personhood Today?
The 14th Amendment reads in part, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” but doesn’t define who a person is. In the majority decision from the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade, Justice Blackmun wrote, “(If the) suggestion of personhood [of the preborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.” The Personhood Amendment will define all humans as persons from
Jan 19
Treasure Coast March for Life This Saturday! Sanctity of Human Life Sunday!
This Saturday marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v Wade. In the past 38 years, we have allowed the killing of over 55,000,000 preborn children and have stood by while mothers and fathers have been wounded by abortion. For those who have been personally involved in abortion, our message is one of mercy and forgiveness that only comes through the shed blood of Jesus. For the preborn children who have been slain, we ask forgiveness for not intervening on their behalf. For those scheduled to die, we say we are fighting to end abortion and will fight for your life!
There are several prolife events happening on the Treasure Coast and across Florida this weekend
Jan 17
1/2/11, Sermon, It’s Time for Your Examination, New Year’s Resolution
This time of year, many Americans focus on what changes we should make to improve ourselves. Often, these changes revolve around weight loss, exercise, and other physical improvements. While it is important to take care of our bodies, it is much more important to make sure we are right with God. Learn what God says about how we should improve our physical and spiritual lives
Dec 21
12/19/10 Sermon, O Holy Night, What Christ has Wrought for Us, Christmas Carol, Jesus, God
O Holy Night was written in 1847 by Placide Cappeau as a Christmas Poem at the request of his parish priest in Paris France. The poem was later put to music by Adolphe Adam. The year the Christmas Carol was written is significant as we shall see when we look at verse three. Join us as we examine this carol and see how it preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ, God became flesh and dwelt among us.
Dec 08
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Petitioning Conference Call
January 22 marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade. ProLifers throughout the state will remember the over 50,000,000 preborn children murdered by abortion in the US since that dreadful decision. Prolifers will participate in March for Life events and Prayer Vigils and pastors will preach Sanctity of Human Life sermons. Personhood Florida is planning a big push to gather personhood petitions in churches and at prolife events across Florida in January. During the conference call, we’ll present the plan and provide training on how you can help promote the personhood amendment in your church, city, and/or region.
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