Tuesday, November 6 is election day. If you haven’t yet voted, educate yourself on where the candidates stand on the issues, on the judicial retention candidates, and on the proposed constitutional amendments, and vote your values! Much is at stake in this election. You cannot afford to sit this election out! “The time is now near …
Tag: Judicial Voter Guide
Nov 05
Educate Yourself and Vote Your Values, Tuesday, November 6!
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Brevard County, Children, Cloning, Condom Ed, Constitution, Contraception, Evolution, Family, Fathers, Federal, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, Florida, Free Market, God, Government, Homosexual Marriage, Illegal Imigration, Incest, Indian River County, Intelligent Design, Issues, Judiciary, Lake County, Lee County, Marion County, Medical Marijuana, Mothers, Personal Responsibility, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood, Politics, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape, RU-486, Saint Lucie County, Tax Funding of Abortion, Taxation, The Bible, The Ten Commandments, US House, US Senate, Voting, Walton County
- abortion, Abstinence, Activist, Adult Business, AIDS, Bathroom Mandate, Bible, Brevard County, candidates, Church, Common Core, Condom, Condom Distribution, conservative, Constitution, Constitutional Amendments, Constructionist, District Court of Appeals, fl, Florida, Florida Constitution, Florida Family Policy Council, Florida Supreme Court, Gay Rights, General Election, Governor, Health Care, HIV, Homosexual Rights, Indian River County, James Madison Institute, Judge, Judicial, Judicial Election, Judicial Retention, Judicial Voter Guide, Lake County, Lee County, Legislate from the Bench, Marion County, planned parenthood, Pornographic, Pornography, port saint lucie, Port St Lucie, prayer, Prolife, Religious Freedom, Rule of Law, saint lucie county, School Board, Sex Education, SexEd, St Lucie County, St Lucie County Commission, St. Lucie Count Commissioner, Tax Funding of Abortion, taxes, the Constitution, Transgender, US Senate. FL Senate, Values, voter guide, Walton County, Zoning
Oct 24
Judicial Recommendations for 19th Judicial Circuit Group 6
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Florida, Government, Issues, Judiciary, Voting
Judicial races have to be the most frustrating races for voters who support traditional values. Certainly, judges have wreaked havoc in our nation, removing the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer from public schools, allowing preborn children to be ripped limb from limb in their mother’s womb, in creating a constitutional right to homosexual marriage, …
- 19th Judicial Circuit - Group 6, abortion, Attorneys, Bible, biblical values, Christian, Circuit Court, conservative, conservative values, Consitution, County Court, Court of Appeals The Florida Supreme Court, Euthanasia, Florida, Florida Bar, Florida Family Policy Council, Homosexual Marriage, Incest Exception, Infanticide, Judge, Judges, Judicial Race, Judicial Voter Guide, Liberty, Life, marriage, Michael J. McNicholas, prayer, Prolife, Public Schools, Rape Exception, Ten Commandments, the Constitution, The Rule of Law, traditional values, voter guide
Aug 27
There’s nothing worse than voting for the wrong candidate!
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Brevard County, Children, Cloning, Condom Ed, Contraception, Evolution, Fathers, Federal, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, Florida, Free Market, God, Gold Standard, Government, Illegal Imigration, Incest, Indian River County, Israel, Issues, Judiciary, Melbourne, Middle East, Military, Mothers, Okaloosa County, Palm Bay, Palm Beach County, Personal Responsibility, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood, Politics, Port Saint Lucie, Poverty, Prayer, Progressivism, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape, RU-486, Saint Lucie County, Socialism, Spending, Tax Funding of Abortion, Taxation, Terrorism, The Ten Commandments, US House, Voting
There’s nothing worse than voting for the wrong candidate! Don’t let this happen to you! ProLife Voter Guides Now Available for Federal, State, and Local Races! Local Voter Guides are now available in six Florida counties, and the Florida Family Policy Council has produced a voter guide for the US Senate race and Amendment 4. …
- abortion, Abortion Funding, Abstinence, Adult Business, AIDS, Amendment 4, Assisted Suicide, Bathroom Mandate, Benjamin J. Iannucci III, Bible, Bill Imfeld, Board of Lake County Commissioners, Bradford County, Brevard County, Candidate Endorsement, candidates, Charles Cawthon, Charlotte County, Church, Cindy A. Meadows, City Commissioner, City Council, Clay, Clay County, Clay Family Policy Forum, Clerk of Courts, Collier County, Common Core, Condom, Condom Distribution, Congress, conservative, Constitutional Amendment, County Commissioner, County Commissioners, Daphne Campbell, David Coughlin, democrat, Democrats, Dennis Baxley, District, Duval County, Escambia County, Euthanasia. Elderly, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, fl, FL House, FL Senate, Flagler County, Florida, Florida Family Policy Council, Florida House, Florida Representative, Florida Senate, fort pierce, Fort Pierce City Commissioner, Ft Pierce, Gadsen County, Gay Rights, Graham Fountain, Health Care, Hillsborough County, HIV, Homosexual Rights, Human Cloning, James Jett, Jennifer Sullivan, John Holguin, John Stemberger, Judges, Judicial Races, Judicial Voter Guide, Lake, Lake County, Lee County, Legislative Scorecard, Marco Rubio, Marion County, Marsha Winegarner, Mike Hill, Non-Partisan, npa, Okaloosa, Okaloosa County, Okaloosa County Commissioners, Okaloosa County School Board, Orange County, Palm Beach County, Pasco County, Personhood Affirmation, Personhood FL ProLife PAC, planned parenthood, Polk County, Pornographic, Pornography, port saint lucie, Port St Lucie, Port St Lucie City Council, prayer, Primary Election, Prolife, Property Appraiser, PSL, Putnam County, Ray Rodrigues, Religious Freedom, Renewable Energy, Representative Daphne Campbell, Representative Dennis Baxley, Representative Jennifer Sullivan, Representative Mike Hill, Representative Ray Rodrigues, republican, Republican State Committeeman, Republicans, Rhonda Skipper, RU-486, saint lucie county, School Board, School Superintendent, Senior Citizens, Sex Education, SexEd, Sheriff, Solar, St Lucie County, Sumter, Sumter County, Sumter County School Board, Sumter County School Superintendent, Supervisor of Elections, Tax, Tax Exemption, Tax Funding of Abortion, taxes, the Disabled, Tony Anderson, Transgender, US Congress, US House of Representatives, US Senate, Values, voter guide, Walton, Walton County, Walton County Commissioners, Walton County School Board, Washington County, Zoning
Aug 21
Judicial Recommendations for St Lucie County Judge – Group 3 and 19th Judicial Circuit Group 1 and 6
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Children, Cloning, Condom Ed, Contraception, Evolution, Family, Fathers, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, Florida, Free Market, God, Gold Standard, Government, Illegal Imigration, Incest, Intelligent Design, Israel, Issues, Judiciary, Mothers, Personal Responsibility, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood, Politics, Poverty, Prayer, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape, RU-486, Slavery, Tax Funding of Abortion, Taxation, The Bible, The Ten Commandments, Voting
Judicial races have to be the most frustrating races for voters who support traditional values. Certainly, judges have wreaked havoc in our nation, removing the Bible, the Ten Commandments, and prayer from public schools, allowing preborn children to be ripped limb from limb in their mother’s womb, in creating a constitutional right to homosexual marriage, …
- 19th Judicial Circuit - Group 1, 19th Judicial Circuit - Group 6, abortion, Attorneys, Bible, biblical values, Christian, Circuit Court, conservative, conservative values, Consitution, County Court, Court of Appeals The Florida Supreme Court, Ed Alonzo, Euthanasia, Florida, Florida Bar, Florida Family Policy Council, Homosexual Marriage, Incest Exception, Infanticide, James W. "Jim" McCann, Judge, Judges, Judicial Race, Judicial Voter Guide, Leonard Silvio Villafranco, Liberty, Life, marriage, Michael J. McNicholas, Nirlaine T. Smartt, prayer, Prolife, Public Schools, Rape Exception, Roman Catholic, Saint Lucie County Judge Group 3, Ten Commandments, the Constitution, The Rule of Law, traditional values, voter guide
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