Tuesday, November 6 is election day. If you haven’t yet voted, educate yourself on where the candidates stand on the issues, on the judicial retention candidates, and on the proposed constitutional amendments, and vote your values! Much is at stake in this election. You cannot afford to sit this election out! “The time is now near …
Tag: Judicial Retention
Nov 05
Educate Yourself and Vote Your Values, Tuesday, November 6!
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Abstinence, Adoption, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, Brevard County, Children, Cloning, Condom Ed, Constitution, Contraception, Evolution, Family, Fathers, Federal, Fetal Stem Cell Research, Fetal Tissue Research, Florida, Free Market, God, Government, Homosexual Marriage, Illegal Imigration, Incest, Indian River County, Intelligent Design, Issues, Judiciary, Lake County, Lee County, Marion County, Medical Marijuana, Mothers, Personal Responsibility, Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood, Politics, ProLife Personhood Amendment, Rape, RU-486, Saint Lucie County, Tax Funding of Abortion, Taxation, The Bible, The Ten Commandments, US House, US Senate, Voting, Walton County
- abortion, Abstinence, Activist, Adult Business, AIDS, Bathroom Mandate, Bible, Brevard County, candidates, Church, Common Core, Condom, Condom Distribution, conservative, Constitution, Constitutional Amendments, Constructionist, District Court of Appeals, fl, Florida, Florida Constitution, Florida Family Policy Council, Florida Supreme Court, Gay Rights, General Election, Governor, Health Care, HIV, Homosexual Rights, Indian River County, James Madison Institute, Judge, Judicial, Judicial Election, Judicial Retention, Judicial Voter Guide, Lake County, Lee County, Legislate from the Bench, Marion County, planned parenthood, Pornographic, Pornography, port saint lucie, Port St Lucie, prayer, Prolife, Religious Freedom, Rule of Law, saint lucie county, School Board, Sex Education, SexEd, St Lucie County, St Lucie County Commission, St. Lucie Count Commissioner, Tax Funding of Abortion, taxes, the Constitution, Transgender, US Senate. FL Senate, Values, voter guide, Walton County, Zoning
Oct 24
2016 Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention
- By Pastor Bryan Longworth in Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Adoption, Children, Contraception, Family, Fathers, Florida, Government, Homosexual Marriage, Issues, Judiciary, Mothers, Personal Responsibility, Politics
The Importance of Judicial Elections Activist Judges in America have accomplished in the courts what the House and Senate couldn’t accomplish legislatively. They’ve twisted and changed the constitution to create case law to “justify” removing prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments from public classrooms and nearly every area of public life. They’ve created a …
- 1st District Court of Appeals, 2nd District Court of Appeals, 3rd District Court of Appeals, 4th District Court of Appeals, 5th District Court of Appeals, abortion, Activist Judges, Adoption, Affordable Care Act, Brian D. Lambert, Charles T. Canady, Choose Life, Choose Life License Plate, conservative, contraception, Cory J. Ciklin, Craig Villanti, Dorian K. Damoorgian, Douglas A. Wallace, Edwin A. Scales III, Federal Court, Fifth District Court of Appeals, First District Court of Appeals, FL Supreme Court, Florida Supreme Court, Founding Fathers, Fourth District Court of Appeals, Governor Charlie Crist, Governor Jeb Bush, Hanging Chads, Home for Unwed Mothers, Homosexual Marriage, Impeachment, James A. Edwards, Jay Cohen, Jefferson, Jim Wolf, John L. Badalamenti, Jonathan D. Gerber, Jorge Labarga, Judicial Retention, Judicial Retention Vote, Justice Brian D. Lambert, Justice Charles T. Canady, Justice Cory J. Ciklin, Justice Craig Villanti, Justice Dorian K. Damoorgian, Justice Douglas A. Wallace, Justice Edwin A. Scales III, Justice James A. Edwards, Justice Jay Cohen, Justice Jim Wolf, Justice John L. Badalamenti, Justice Jonathan D. Gerber, Justice Jorge Labarga, Justice Kent Wetherell, Justice Linda Ann Wells, Justice Lori S. Rowe, Justice Marva L. Crenshaw, Justice Matthew C. Lucas, Justice Melanie G. May, Justice Nelly N. Khouzam, Justice Patricia Kelly, Justice Ricky L. Polston, Justice Robert M. Gross, Justice Robert Morris, Justice Ross L. Bilbrey, Justice Samuel Salario, Justice Spencer Levine, Justice Stevan T. Northcutt, Justice Susan Kelsey, Justice Thomas D. “Bo” Winokur, Justice Vincent G Torpy, Kent Wetherell, Linda Ann Wells, Lori S. Rowe, Marva L. Crenshaw, Matthew C. Lucas, Melanie G. May, Nelly N. Khouzam, Obamacare, Opportunity Scholarships, Patricia Kelly, prayer, pre-born, Preborn Child, President Bill Clinton, ProLife Legislation, Public Schools, Ricky L. Polston, Right to Privacy, Robert M. Gross, Robert Morris, Ross L. Bilbrey, Samuel Salario, Second District Court of Appeals, Spencer Levine, State Court, Stevan T. Northcutt, Susan Kelsey, The Bible, The Ten Commandments, Third District Court of Appeals, Thomas D. “Bo” Winokur, Thomas Jefferson, US Congressman, Vincent G Torpy, Voter Guides, Vouchers, welfare
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Assisted Suicide
Constitutional Amendment
Covenant Tabernacle
end abortion now
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Pastor Bryan Longworth
Personhood FL
Personhood Florida
Personhood FL ProLife PAC
Personhood NOW!
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Port St Lucie
saint lucie county
sanctity of human life
St Lucie County
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