Imagine a movement whose stated goal is to abolish abortion and protect every innocent human life, yet also imagine that this same movement never tries to abolish abortion much less protect every innocent human life! How reasonable is it to think that we will ever accomplish a goal that we never even attempt to accomplish?
This was the question I raised at a recent prolife leadership summit. Every major prolife group in the state and even some national groups had representatives at the meeting. Every organization present believes that every innocent human life should be protected, but Personhood FL is the only organization that is actively working to protect every innocent human life, without exception!
Please join Personhood FL in defending every innocent human life, without exception by signing our constitutional amendment petition, volunteering, and making a generous donation today.

Don’t get me wrong. Several of the organizations, including prolife pregnancy centers, sidewalk counseling organizations, and children’s homes, are actively working to protect innocent human life on a daily basis, and leaders from several of these organizations serve as board members of Personhood FL. One organization specifically mentioned working to protect human life at the end of life. Another organization is working to protect human life only after an abortionist can detect a heartbeat. Think about that for a minute! (Imagine an abortionist who will benefit financially if he doesn’t detect a heartbeat as the one in charge who gets to decide if a preborn child has a detectable heartbeat!) One other organization is actively working to abolish abortion.
Personhood FL is the only organization in the state, however, that is working to protect every innocent human life! We’re working to abolish every abortion from the earliest development, not merely after she has a detectable heartbeat! We’re also working to protect preborn children created outside of the womb in laboratories for the purpose of experimentation! And we’re working to protect the disabled and the elderly from being starved and dehydrated to death!
This past year, Personhood FL went to Tallahassee to lobby our state representatives and senators to protect every innocent human life. While in Tallahassee, we distributed our new ProLife Principles that helps educate our elected officials on a wide array of prolife issues including abortion, rape and incest exceptions, life of the mother exceptions, fetal tissue research, RU486 (the abortion pill), fetal stem cell research, cloning, in vitro fertilization, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. We also just released the Personhood Act which when passed and enacted will provide the legal basis for the protection of every innocent human life. Additionally, in order to receive our PAC’s endorsement in the 2020 election, candidates for the Florida House and Senate will have to commit to either sponsoring or co-sponsoring the Florida Personhood Act!
We depend on your active support to continue efforts like these. Please prayerfully consider partnering with us through giving your most generous donation as we close out this year. We value your prayers as well, and we realize that to whom much has been given, much is required as we steward what God places in the hands of this ministry. May God empower us to continue to work toward the day when every innocent human life is protected by love and by law!
At Personhood FL, we are working to restore the value of every innocent human life, including unborn children, the elderly, and the disabled. Please join Personhood FL in defending every innocent human life, without exception by signing our constitutional amendment petition, volunteering, and making a generous donation today.
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