On This Day…

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On this day 18 years ago, terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon, and had another plane on the way to the White House that was brought down by brave passengers. The attack was the largest attack on US soil in the history of America. Americans and the world mourned the loss of nearly 3,000 in this attack.

World Trade Center Burning
World Trade Center Attack

Ironically, approximately the same number of Americans have been killed each and every day through abortion. Too few mourn their loss. Even fewer fight to end the shedding of innocent human blood.

On this day 10 years ago however, a few Floridians met in Tallahassee to file a constitutional amendment petition to establish legal protection for all innocent human life! Though we have yet to succeed in that effort, we are committed to fighting this battle until every innocent human being is protected.

Please join Personhood FL in defending every innocent human life, without exception by signing our constitutional amendment petition, volunteering, and making a generous donation today.

Pastor Johnny Hunter, Brenda MacMenamin, and Pastor Bryan Longworth

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