9th Annual Treasure Coast Roe V Wade Memorial

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Avira Security Suite

(46th anniversary of Roe v Wade)
Saturday, January 19, 2019
Noon – 1:30 p.m.

New Format:
The entire event takes place at The Pregnancy Care Center
1119 Delaware Ave. Ft. Pierce

Across the street from the only Abortion Facility on the Treasure Coast

  • Local ProLife Leaders and Clergy will speak about their ministries.
  • Prayer for the closing of the abortion facility and success of pro-life ministries.
  • Churches/Groups are encouraged to bring signs representing their church or organization, or signs that proclaim the sanctity of human life.
  • Anyone wishing to sit should bring their own lawn chair.
Roe V Wade Memorial ProLife Signs Prayer Service
Roe V Wade Memorial
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