The Christmas Carol That Demands Liberty and Justice for All!

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Do you know which Christmas Carol demands liberty and justice for all? I’m sure you’ve sung it 100 times or more. This carol was so controversial when written that it was once banned in churches in the country in which it was written.

O’ Holy Night was written in 1847 by Placide Cappeau as a Christmas Poem at the request of his parish priest in Paris France. Cappeau wrote it at a time when slavery was universally practiced throughout the world. The poem was later put to music by Adolphe Adam. This carol asserts the effects of the finished work of Christ on the slave trade. Verse 3 sings as follows:

Truly He taught us to love one another
His law is love and His gospel is peace
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother,
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.

O Holy Night was actually banned in French Churches but was adopted by abolitionists in the United States, and thanks to the tireless work of abolitionists in the U.S. and England, slavery was abolished except for in Muslim countries where it is still practiced today.

Today we look back on slavery with disdain. One day we will look back on abortion as we now look back on slavery. No one today would say I wouldn’t personally own a slave, but I wouldn’t stop someone else from owning one; however, pro-choice advocates and politicians make this very argument when they say I wouldn’t personally have an abortion, but I wouldn’t stop anyone else from having one!

When we talk about slavery, we’re talking about believing that some humans have less value and can be owned by other humans. When we talk about abortion, we’re talking about believing that some humans can be legally killed by other humans. We’re talking about killing preborn baby girls and boys and wounding their mothers and fathers. May we have the same resolve that William Wilberforce, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, and other abolitionists had to pray and work until all innocent human life is protected and oppression ceases!

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Watch Pastor Bryan Longworth’s Sermon, The Christmas Carol That Demands Liberty and Justice for All!

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