Vote ProLife Tuesday, November 8!

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Vote ProLife

If you haven’t voted yet, get out and vote prolife Tuesday, November 8. At, we have the tools you need to vote for life!

We have the 2016 Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention recommendations available at, local voter guides available at, Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s list of Endorsed ProLife Candidates running for federal, state, district, and local races in, the Florida Family Policy Council Voter Guides for federal and state races here, and Constitutional Amendment Voter Guides.

Help Personhood FL spread the word about the voter guide by sharing this email with your friends, printing and distributing voter guides in your church and community, sharing our voter guide posts on facebook, and consider making a generous donation today to help us produce local voter guides in more counties.

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