Don’t Let Your County Commissioners Take Your Liberty! Stop Seven/50!

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Stop Seven 50 in St. Lucie County

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St. Lucie County Commissioners may consider a vote on adopting Seven 50 at a “special meeting” – “…a must attend meeting for concerned citizens!! ” Your county commissioners will take your freedom and liberty if you don’t act!

Date: Thursday, November 7, 2013
Time: 6pm

Location: St. Lucie County Commission Chambers, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL

What is Seven/50?
Including St. Lucie, it is a 7 county, 50 year plan that is overseen by 200 unelected bureaucrats in seven south Florida counties. The objective is to plan the seven counties as one region. The plan is to be controlled by the federal government, and overseen by unelected bureaucrat. Seven/50 is a plan being financed by HUD (Housing and Urban Development), the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), and US DOT (Department of Transportation). This is a federal overreach, designed to control your county & city planning, zoning process, and allow the federal government to implement their socially engineer policies in your community. They will do this without your knowledge, without your vote, and without your consent, but with your tax dollars.

What will Seven 50 planners do?
The Seven/50 planners received an initial 4.25 million dollar federal grant from HUD. They have designed a plan that will change the way our communities look, how and where we live, force us out of our cars (global warming), and force us into urban communities with high rise buildings built along mass transit. Their focus is to have us walk and bike more in order to have a more “sustainable community.”

Who are the winners and losers under Seven 50?
The winners are big government agencies and privately owned planning firms who stand to make millions. The losers are St. Lucie residents who will have their property rights usurped and saddled with outrageous taxation. That is why the Indian River County Commission and the City of Vero Beach rejected Seven 50.

For more info, go to

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