Personhood FL ProLife PAC Invites General Election Candidates to Seek Endorsement

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Congressman Tom Rooney

Congressman Tom Rooney

In the primary election, Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed over 80 candidates for federal, state, and local offices across Florida including Congressman Tom Rooney and current Florida Representative and candidate for Florida Senate, Kelli Stargel. Personhood FL ProLife PAC endorsed Republicans, Democrats, and NPA and third party candidates for every office from US Senator to Soil and Water Conservation and every position in-between.

Several endorsed candidates won their primary election giving prolife voters an opportunity to vote for prolife candidates in the general election, and Personhood FL ProLife PAC has invited general election candidates to seek endorsement for the general election.

In the primary election cycle, several candidates contacted our office who wanted to sign the Personhood Affirmation but didn’t have enough time to do so. ProLife candidates who made it through the primary now have an opportunity to seek endorsement in the general election. We also also received calls and e-mails from prolifers who asked why a particular candidate wasn’t included in our list of endorsed candidates. (View Personhood FL ProLife PAC Primary Election Endorsed Candidates List here.) The reason they weren’t endorsed is because they didn’t submit their Personhood Affirmation and Petition on time. If you know a prolife candidate who wasn’t included in the Personhood FL ProLife PAC list of endorsed candidates, please ask them to review our PAC Guidelines for Candidate Endorsement and submit their Personhood Affirmation and Petition.

To qualify for endorsement, prolife candidates must sign a Personhood Affirmation and the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition indicating their agreement to Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s comprehensive prolife principles covering not only abortion but also abortion funding, RU-486, fetal stem cell research, human cloning, fetal tissue research, and assisted suicide and euthanasia. Candidates also affirmed that all humans should have personhood status under the Florida and US Constitutions from the beginning of the biological development of that human being to natural death. Moreover, candidates agreed to defend all innocent human life including preborn babies irrespective of their manner of conception, the elderly, and the disabled. (Read Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s ProLife Principles and Personhood Affirmation here.)

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