Personhood FL ProLife PAC Launches Facebook Page

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Personhood FL ProLife PAC launched a new Facebook page to announce the release of it’s endorsement criteria and to announce candidates who meet the requirement. The new account is This page is in addition to Personhood FL’s Facebook page at

Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s endorsements will help voters determine which candidates in their area are prolife. Personhood FL ProLife PAC will ask the candidates to commit to defend life on these important issues:

  • Personhood Status for All Humans from Conception to Natural Death
  • Rape and Incest Exceptions
  • Fetal Stem Cell Research
  • Human Cloning
  • RU-486
  • Tax Funding of Abortions
  • Fetal Tissue Research
  • Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Unlike many traditional voter education projects, Personhood FL ProLife PAC will not ask the candidates where they stand on these issues but will raise the standard and ask candidates to agree with a 100% ProLife position that all innocent human life should be protected from conception to natural death.

Personhood FL ProLife PAC is seeking help to complete this project. Will you help us contact candidates in your area? Will you help us spread the word about this project to organizations, churches, pastors, Christians, voters, and prolifers in your area and sphere of influence? Our goal is to cover the entire state of Florida, but we can’t do that without you! If you would like to help with this project, fill out the form here.

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