We Can’t Afford to Elect Obama Lite. We Must Elect Rick Santorum for President!

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Rick Santorum for President

Rick Santorum for President

America is at critical stage in history. We’ve had a long chain of Republican and Democratic administrations that have spent more of our money and taken more control of our lives. They have done so while most Americans sat on the couch.

We sat on the couch and watched George W Bush run up large deficits as he spent money faster than it came in. We sat by when he added unsustainable expenses to already strapped federal programs. Many even sat by when he bailed out huge mega banks that were “too big to fail.”

Then came Barrack Obama. While Bush spent money like a drunken sailor, Obama has put spending on steroids! We’ve passed stimulus packages, bailed out the banks, had quantitative easings (QE and QE2), yet things aren’t getting any easier for the average American. Things have even gotten so bad that the Fed is now lending money, money it created out of thin air, to the United States to fund this continued deficit spending. This expansion of the money supply devalues the wealth and earnings of every American! And Our deficit is increasing at such a rapid rate that we are near the point of no return where bankruptcy may be our only option! With the rapid speed with which Barack Obama has raced this country toward socialism, Americans are waking up and realizing that we really do need hope and change.

When I look at the field of Republican candidates, I see Mitt Romney, a man who was for abortion before he was against it. I see a man who ordered clerks of the court to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples! I see a man who passed Romnicare before Obama passed Obama care. While Romnicare was implemented on a state level, the fact that Romney defends Romnicare shows that he’s a big government guy who won’t end Obamacare.

Next, I see Newt Gingrich. Newt is an extremely intelligent man and knows how to say what  people want to hear and do so with elegance, but his record of actions speak louder than words. Newt led the revolution that brought Republicans into power in the House, yet he soon grew government spending faster than the Democrats ever dreamed of, and he led the prosecution of Bill Clinton while he himself cheated on his second wife. Certainly, people can change for the better, but Newt has to prove to voters that he has changed. Moreover, Newt has said that his favorite president is FDR, who believed that healthcare should be a constitutional right and brought us the New Deal. Perhaps that’s why Newt has been a longtime supporter of a federal health insurance mandate. Do we really need to replace one progressive with another progressive?

Then there is Ron Paul. Paul is solid on limited government, and I agree with 95% of his positions; however, the 5% I don’t agree on are big issues! On foreign policy, I even agree with much of Paul’s position; but Paul goes too far. His believe that the radical Muslims will leave us alone if we leave them alone is naive and dangerous! Radical Muslims were sinking our ships before we even had a Navy, and they’re not going to stop attacking us if we no longer have one! On the Right to Life, Paul would return abortion to the states. This would allow states to outlaw abortion. The problem is: some states would choose to do so; others would choose to add additional regulations to abortion; but most states would choose to continue allowing the killing of innocent children. Consequently, Paul is prochoice on abortion!

In this race, I support Rick Santorum. Rick is a man of principle, a man of integrity, and a man who has a track record of reducing the size of government and protecting innocent human life. Santorum worked diligently to pass sweeping welfare reform that is the biggest example of cutting entitlement spending in modern history. Santorum led the ban on the barbaric practice of partial birth abortion, and when the US Supreme Court struck it down, he brought it back again and again until it passed the court’s scrutiny.

As Republicans seek to select a presidential candidate, we must examine the candidates’ character, values, and history. We cannot afford to elect a Republican nominee who will merely slow our progress toward socialism nor one who supports progressive policies. We cannot afford to elect Obama lite. We must elect a nominee who will boldly reverse course to return our country to the principles of limited government espoused by the founders. The only man left in the race who will do that is Rick Santorum. I urge you to vote for Rick Santorum.


1 pings

    • David Mueller on February 6, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Rick Santorum…the man who endorsed pro-abort Arlen Specter for US Senate in Pennsylvania. Rick Santorum…the man who voted to fund Planned Parenthood. Rick Santorum…the man who voted to expand the power, scope, and reach of the federal government. Real man of principle there Bryan.

    Completely ridiculous that you say Paul is pro-choice. Fighting abortion in the 50 states is a whole lot easier than wishing for the right president to appoint the right justices to the court. Reagan gave us O’Conner and Kennedy. Bush gave us Souter. Bush II’s Justice Roberts seems committed to keeping abortion legal based upon his confirmation hearings. Who knows about Alito?

    It is much easier to replace state judges, most of whom are elected, than to wait for the US Supreme Court to change. It’s much easier to replace state representatives than to wait for the right president to appoint the right justice.

    With Santorum you’ll get bigger government, more unnecessary wars, more spending, and maybe a justice that might or might not sell out the unborn. He’s not spoken out against the NDAA 2012 that gave the military the ability to indefinitely detain Americans without charges based upon the accusation of terrorism. Picketing an abortion clinic has been accused of being terrorism. Will Rick be arresting pro-lifers? Basically with Santorum you’ll get more of everything that you say you don’t want.

    With Paul you get someone who actually has a plan to start ending abortion by getting the federal government out of the grisly trade. He supports the Human Life Amendment but also knows the chances of that passing are slim to none. He at least has a practical plan. If he were president his judicial appointments would be highly likely to follow the constitution and would certainly not be pro-abortion.

    Why all the worship of the federal government Bryan?

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