Martin Luther King, Jr Was ProLife! MLK’s Niece is Supports Personhood!

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Martin Luther King Jr MLK Was ProLife

MLK was ProLife

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) was prolife! This revelation comes from Dr. Alveda King, MLK’s niece. “In advising men and women on questions of personal behavior 50 years ago, Uncle Martin sounded no different than a conservative Christian preacher does now,” said Dr. King. “He was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of the Bible.” Alveda King continues MLK’s prolife legacy by defending the right to life of all innocent humans, including the unborn, elderly, and disabled and compares abortion to slavery.

“Even as Dred Scott was considered less than fully human, such is the case for the preborn babies in the womb,” said Dr. Alveda King in an endorsement of the California Human Rights Amendment (a ProLife Personhood Amendment). “In property, wills, and estates, the unborn is considered to have rights and may have a guardian appointed. In most states, including California, a tort committed against a child in the womb is actional in civil and an injury is actionable in both civil and criminal law. The only exception to this standard is when the woman choses to abort. This is ridiculous and out of sync with all other law. Even as Dred Scott was considered less than fully human, such is the case for the pre-born babies in the womb. A woman has a right to choose what she does with her body. The baby is not her body. Where is the lawyer for the baby? This is why I support the California Human Rights Amendment (CHRA).”

Similar to the CHRA, the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition will end abortion and protect all innocent human life. Because of a bill passed by the FL Legislature last year that changed the shelf life of the petition signatures from 4 years to 2 years, Personhood Florida launched a new two year petitioning effort beginning January 2012. If you signed the previous Florida Personhood Amendment, you will need to sign the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition. (Please sign the new petition NOW!) If you helped petition for the old petition, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You helped us find over 20,000 prolife Floridians! Please help us contact churches and pastors in your county between now and January to ask them to petition for personhood Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 22, 2012.

To launch this new petition, we need your help! Will you join us and help us get the word out? We have specific strategy and we need Christians to pray, volunteer, and donate. Sign up today at the to help Personhood FL contact every church, every pastor in Florida.

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