Personhood FL Launches New Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition!

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ProLife Petition!

Have you heard the news? Personhood FL has launched a new prolife petition called the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment. Personhood FL will collect petition signatures from registered Florida voters January 2012 – December 2013. We need your help to contact every church, every pastor in your county!

Because of a bill passed by the FL Legislature this year that changed the shelf life of the petition signatures from 4 years to 2 years, we are launching a new two year petitioning effort beginning January 2012. We have taken this opportunity to launch the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment based on language endorsed by Family Research Council and the American Family Association. The new petition language has been designed by a think tank of prolife personhood attorneys and satisfies 11 conditions needed to unite pro-life ministries. Adapting this language enables all states to come into unity anticipating and facilitating a federal prolife personhood amendment.

If you signed the previous Florida Personhood Amendment, you will need to sign the new Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition! (Please sign the new petition in January.) If you helped petition for the old petition, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You helped us find over 20,000 prolife Floridians! Please help us contact churches and pastors in your county between now and January to ask them to petition for personhood Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 22, 2012.

To launch this new petition, we need your help! Will you join us and help us get the word out? We have specific strategy and we need Christians to pray, volunteer, and donate. Register today for tomorrow night’s conference call to learn how to contact every church, every pastor in your county. Sign up for the call by clicking this link and filling out the form at the bottom of the page.


2 pings

    • Jim Cuckler on March 6, 2012 at 7:39 am

    It’s way past time to end abortion in this country!!

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