Will You Help Personhood Florida Reach Every Pastor, Every Church In Your County for Life?

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Petitioning for Personhood Florida's ProLife Constitutional Amendment to End Abortion

Every Pastor for Life!

Last week, I wrote that we need to take the prolife personhood message to every region, every county, every city, every church, every pastor. This week, I go over the results from last weeks poll on  how many pastors have ever heard of prolife personhood amendments and compare them with the actual findings we discovered at a recent pastors meeting, and I’ll lay out a plan to reach every church, every pastor in the state of Florida for Life.

Personhood Florida has a simple yet monumental task. We need to collect 100,000 personhood petitions to get the Florida personhood amendment before the Florida Supreme Court. We then need to collect an additional 900,000 petitions to get our prolife petition on the ballot, and then we need to bring 5,000,000 prolife voters to the polls to pass the personhood amendment which will end abortion and protect all innocent human life. How can we possibly accomplish this? We need to take the prolife personhood amendment to every region, every county, every city, every precinct, every church, every pastor, and let me tell you, there are many pastors in Florida who have never heard of Personhood.

In last week’s PersonhoodFL.com poll, we asked you what percentage of Florida pastors have ever heard about the prolife personhood amendment.  Most of the respondents answered that only 21 – 30% or 11 – 20% of the pastors had ever heard of personhood. My dad and I along with Jay Rogers recently attended a large gathering of prolife, politically motivated pastors, and we found that the percentage is even lower! The bad news is that less than 10% of the attendees knew about personhood prior to learning about it from us, and this coming from a group of pastors that is most likely to have heard of personhood. The good news is that every pastor we approached signed the personhood petition and agreed to petition in their church! One pastor asked us: “Why haven’t I heard of personhood before?” The answer is simple: we haven’t told him! (This week’s poll is, What Percentage of ProLife Pregnancy Center Workers Have Ever Heard of the ProLife Personhood Constitutional Amendment? Answer this weeks online poll to give your opinion. We’ll announce the poll results and the actual percentage next week.)

To reach our goal, we must tell pastors about personhood! We can’t sit back and complain that more pastors aren’t supporting personhood if we haven’t make the effort to tell pastors about personhood! Certainly, not all pastors will be as supportive as the group we met with. Some will even reject prolife principles because they have rejected God and His word. Many, however, will sign the petition and present their congregation with the opportunity to make history in Florida by ending abortion and protecting every innocent human life, but they won’t do so if we don’t present personhood to them! We need your help to reach every pastor in the state of Florida. Will you volunteer to contact pastors in your area? Will you donate to help Personhood FL reach every church in the state of Florida? Please don’t let another prolife pastor ask why he hasn’t heard about personhood! We must tell them today!

We are asking our volunteers to focus on contacting churches in November and December rather than petitioning and distribute petitions in those churches for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in January. We are currently organizing teams of volunteers in every Florida county to contact churches. Will you help us take the message of life to every church, every pastor in your county? Please join us for a conference call/training Tuesday, November 15 from 9 – 10 PM where we’ll go over how to contact the churches and pastors.  This call will cover key strategies for ending abortion and protecting all innocent human life. Register to join us on the call below. Register to join us on the call here.


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    • Pro-Personhood = Anti-Person on November 9, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    Pastor Longworth,

    There are so many reasons to oppose the government and politicians having physical control over women’s bodies and women’s health.

    But what is truly amazing is that you want to outlaw most of the commonly used forms of birth control while the state government is cutting services for the poor and for women and children.

    Why don’t you do the Godly, Christian thing and strongly oppose cuts to aid for for women and children who are struggling in this recession? Do you care at all about the poor, the hungry, the needy? Apparently not. Just the unborn. And once you’re born, you’re on your own.

    The truth is, you’re more of a politician than a true Christian. You are just another right wing sham trying to fool the American people. Your disgusting attempt to twist the good religion of Christianity for your political purposes WILL BE DENIED.

  1. I see you’ve read the playbook of Planned Parenthood, the leading provider of abortions in the USA. Let me counter your false claims.
    First, I’m not proposing that government control a woman’s body. Abortionist don’t kill a woman’s body in abortion unless they botch the abortion terribly. They do kill the woman’s preborn baby girl or boy however. I will not stand by and tolerate the destruction of innocent human life.
    Second, the Personhood amendment won’t outlaw birth control. It will outlaw abortifacients. Are you claiming that some forms of birth control actually kill a preborn baby girl or boy?
    Third, I challenge you to show me one passage of scripture that authorizes government to take money from some to give to another. The Bible does direct those who have money to voluntarily donate money to help the poor and requires all, including the poor, to work. This is why conservatives donate a much larger portion of their money to charity than liberals.

  2. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  3. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  4. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  5. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  6. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  7. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  8. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  9. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  10. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  11. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  12. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

  13. Keep up your strong leadership, Bryon. You are doing a great work to save America from judgment as well as saving babies.

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