Every Region, Every County, Every City, Every Church, Every Pastor for Life!

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Petitioning for Personhood Florida's ProLife Constitutional Amendment to End Abortion

Petitioning for Personhood Florida

I have a dream that one day all innocent human life will be protected by love and by law in Florida. For this to happen, we need your help to make the case for life in every region, every county, every city, and every church. Indeed, we need every pastor in the state of Florida to present the prolife personhood petition to their church.

In reference to salvation, the Apostle Paul ponders, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher”? (Romans 10:14 NKJV) In reference to the personhood petition, we might ask: how shall they petition without a preacher, and how shall they preach if they haven’t heard?

I recently attended a large pastors meeting in Orlando with my dad. Central Florida Co-Chair Jay Rogers joined to help present the prolife personhood amendment to Florida pastors. You would be surprised at what we found! We met pastors from all over the state. The pastors all received the petition with open arms. Those who hadn’t previously signed the petition singed it at the conference and took additional copies to pass out to have their congregations sign the petition! What percentage of Florida pastors do you think have heard about personhood? Answer this weeks online poll to give your opinion. We’ll announce the poll results and the actual percentage next week.

To reach every region, every county, every city, every church, every pastor, we need your help. We need volunteers who will mail letters to pastors, call pastors, visit pastors, attend pastors fellowship meetings, and petition in churches, and we need donors who will provide the necessary funds to pay for the mailings. Will you help us with one or more of these tasks?

We are currently organizing teams of volunteers in counties across FL to contact churches in their county. Will you help us take the message of life to every region, every county, every city, every church, every pastor? Please join us for a conference call/training Tuesday, November 15 from 9 – 10 PM.  This call will cover key strategy for ending abortion and protecting all innocent human life. Register to join us on the call here.


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    • Bro Rick on March 3, 2012 at 1:08 pm

    Brothers & Sisters I thank God for your efforts and Love in this Ministry the thing I thank God more for is the Body of Christ in you all are truely walking his word unafraid of that unrightous govenment will shut you down assuming that you are a 501c3 Non-profit and are asking the “Body of Christ” to vote for those who are truely Pro-life and identifing those and who are not Prolife… My struggle is that the Pasors/CEO’s of these Non-profit Churches/business/corporations believe keeping/maintaining their status is more important than what you for example are doing… I have been told on many occasions that “the pen is mightier than the sword” could it be that these corporations are neglecting to see the “s” in sword? Either way I thank God that you all know that the “word is mightier than the sword” God Bles

    • Terry Maria E on November 10, 2012 at 11:46 am

    May I obtain a copy or download because I would like to bring this to Missouri. I am a 3rd trimester post-abortive survivor. I have told my story many times. But it is important that I got pregnant on purpose because I believe he loved me and desired a future with me. I waited a long time to tell him and then we broke up. I began to show but I felt that with the pro-life stance of my parents and a pregnant friend who was supposed to go in AF bootied, my parents had said when she couldn't go, "What's she going to do with her life now?" "She wasted her life." Jeez, I could imagine with all the hopes and dreams how I would have been perceived; however, that would have been short term. Two wrong don't make a right.

    • Duncan Sabrina on November 10, 2012 at 11:46 am

    May I obtain a copy or download because I would like to bring this to Missouri. I am a 3rd trimester post-abortive survivor. I have told my story many times. But it is important that I got pregnant on purpose because I believe he loved me and desired a future with me. I waited a long time to tell him and then we broke up. I began to show but I felt that with the pro-life stance of my parents and a pregnant friend who was supposed to go in AF bootied, my parents had said when she couldn't go, "What's she going to do with her life now?" "She wasted her life." Jeez, I could imagine with all the hopes and dreams how I would have been perceived; however, that would have been short term. Two wrong don't make a right.

    • Duncan Sabrina on November 10, 2012 at 11:46 am

    May I obtain a copy or download because I would like to bring this to Missouri. I am a 3rd trimester post-abortive survivor. I have told my story many times. But it is important that I got pregnant on purpose because I believe he loved me and desired a future with me. I waited a long time to tell him and then we broke up. I began to show but I felt that with the pro-life stance of my parents and a pregnant friend who was supposed to go in AF bootied, my parents had said when she couldn't go, "What's she going to do with her life now?" "She wasted her life." Jeez, I could imagine with all the hopes and dreams how I would have been perceived; however, that would have been short term. Two wrong don't make a right.

    • Duncan Sabrina on November 10, 2012 at 11:46 am

    May I obtain a copy or download because I would like to bring this to Missouri. I am a 3rd trimester post-abortive survivor. I have told my story many times. But it is important that I got pregnant on purpose because I believe he loved me and desired a future with me. I waited a long time to tell him and then we broke up. I began to show but I felt that with the pro-life stance of my parents and a pregnant friend who was supposed to go in AF bootied, my parents had said when she couldn't go, "What's she going to do with her life now?" "She wasted her life." Jeez, I could imagine with all the hopes and dreams how I would have been perceived; however, that would have been short term. Two wrong don't make a right.

    • Duncan Sabrina on November 10, 2012 at 11:46 am

    May I obtain a copy or download because I would like to bring this to Missouri. I am a 3rd trimester post-abortive survivor. I have told my story many times. But it is important that I got pregnant on purpose because I believe he loved me and desired a future with me. I waited a long time to tell him and then we broke up. I began to show but I felt that with the pro-life stance of my parents and a pregnant friend who was supposed to go in AF bootied, my parents had said when she couldn't go, "What's she going to do with her life now?" "She wasted her life." Jeez, I could imagine with all the hopes and dreams how I would have been perceived; however, that would have been short term. Two wrong don't make a right.

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