Westboro Church to Picket Soldier’s Memorial Service

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On Tuesday, July 5th, U.S. Army Spc. Jordan Christopher Schumann, 24, died when a Humvee he and other soldiers were riding in on patrol drove over a roadside bomb. His Memorial Service is scheduled for Friday July 22, 2011 at 7:00 PM. The Westboro Church plans on picketing Jordan’s Memorial Service.

Although Westboro Church has a constitutional right to picket, Americans who love this country and the men and women who have sacrificed to preserve the freedoms we hold dear have a right to peacefully remember those who have given all. Veteran’s groups, Bikers, Tea Party Members, Patriots, God Fearing Citizens, etc will start gathering around 4:00 PM to show their support for the family, honor the fallen, and resist the protesters. Bring a flag to show your support to the Shumann family and America.

Services have been planned for Jordan at: Westside Baptist Church 3361 South Jenkins Road Fort Pierce, FL Viewing: Thursday, July 21, 2011 from 4pm to 8pm Service: Friday, July 22, 2011 at 7pm.

Please peacefully show your support. Those who choose to stand in opposition to the picketers should remain calm and peaceful at all time. If provoked, do not respond in kind.

My heart and prayers go out to the Shumann family who have lost their son, and I will be there Friday to stand with the family of this fallen hero. Let us always remember that freedom isn’t free.


1 pings

    • Nancy on July 21, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    Perhaps the Port St Lucie supporters could take note of what a Mississippi town did to squelch the funeral protesters.


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