Is Your Church Petitioning for Personhood Today?

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Before I jump into today’s topic, let me first say thank you to the more than 250 prolifers on the Treasure Coast who participated in today’s March for Life! Please e-mail me your photos of the event. I may use one of your photos on the March for Life Treasure Coast report!

Is Your Church Petitioning for Personhood Today?

The 14th Amendment reads in part, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” but doesn’t define who a person is. In the majority decision from the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade, Justice Blackmun wrote, “(If the) suggestion of personhood [of the preborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.” The Personhood Amendment will define all humans as persons from their biological beginning. The Personhood Amendment will be a direct challenge to Roe v Wade and will end abortion!

But first we must get it on the ballot. To do so in Florida, we need nearly 700,000 validated signatures. To accomplish that, we need your help to spread the word to your family, friends, neighbors, church members, and with your community, and yes, we need your church to petition for personhood.

Personhood Florida is asking pastors to preach a prolife sermon and collect petition signatures for Personhood FL’s pro-life constitutional petition which will give constitutional rights to preborn children and protect the sick and elderly. Sermon notes, power point presentations, and personhood petitions are available at The sad fact is that abortion exists in America and in Florida because the Church allows it to exist. It is time that we fulfill our Biblical responsibility and end abortion! Please ask your church leadership to stand for life and petition for personhood so that we can end abortion!

Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

Pastor Bryan Longworth

Pastor Bryan Longworth serves as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL,  as the director of Personhood Florida, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida Personhood Amendment that will end abortion in FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 55 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity!

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