1 Day to Victory! Help Conservative Candidates Win!

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We are 1 day from victory! Conservative candidates do need your help to win! Several races, including the governor’s race and several proposed constitutional amendments, are neck and neck and will come down to the wire. Your vote will count this year! Midterm elections are won by the side that shows up at the polls. Make sure you show up at the polls  so that conservative candidates and judges win, and activist judges get tossed. If you haven’t voted yet, make sure you get out and vote tomorrow! Make sure you take your sample ballot with you. I’ve prepared a sample ballot with my recommendations for federal, state, constitutional, judges, and Saint Lucie County races for your convenience: http://bryanlongworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010-St-Lucie-County-Sample-Ballot.pdf. If you have candidate or amendment yard signs, take them to the polls before 7 AM tomorrow. (Yard signs need to be 100 feet or more from the door of the polling place.) We also need volunteers to hold signs for candidates and pass out Tea Party Courtesy Cards. (Download a copy of the courtesy card here to pass out to your family, friends, neighbors, etc. here: http://bryanlongworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010-General-TEA-Party-Courtesy-Card.pdf) If you live in St Lucie County and would like to help, contact me to let me know. If you live in other counties, contact the conservative candidate of your choice and ask to help with their campaign.

Voter Guide Links

Below are links to voter guides and my recommendations for the FL Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th District Court of Appeals. In each, I explain the rationale behind my recommendations. Please note that my Judicial voter guide is partisan. As such, distributing this information in churches would violate the Johnson Amendment to the IRS 501c3 code. Anyone considering passing out partisan voter guides in church, should contact the Alliance Defense Fund prior to doing so at http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/.

Non-Partisan Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/19/florida-and-local-christian-coalition-voter-guides-are-ready-for-distribution/

Sample Ballot with Endorsements and Recommendations from Pastor Bryan Longworth: http://bryanlongworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010-St-Lucie-County-Sample-Ballot.pdf

Tea Party Courtesy Card: http://bryanlongworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010-General-TEA-Party-Courtesy-Card.pdf

Florida Constitutional Amendment Recommendations http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/16/florida-constitutional-amendment-recomendations/

Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/21/florida-supreme-court-and-4th-district-court-of-appeals-judges-up-for-retention/

Saint Lucie County League of Women Voters’ Decision 2010 General Election Forum Video: http://stluciefl.iqm2.com/Citizens/VideoScreen.aspx?MediaURL=mms://Media2.IQM2.com/a1607/o21/StLucieFL/1742.wmv

Martin County Political Forum Audio: http://www.wpsl.com/audio/Martin%20County%20Forum%2010-6-10.MP3

Martin County Values Voters Should Vote NO on Appointed School Superintendent by Chuck Winn: http://www.redcounty.com/content/guest-column-martin-county-values-voters-should-vote-no-appointed-superintendent-chuck-winn

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bryan Longworth, Ros Cali. Ros Cali said: RT @BryanLongworth: 1 Day to Victory! Help Conservative Candidates Win! #tcot #tlot http://t.co/7ratPuK […]

  2. 1 Day to Victory! Help Conservative Candidates Win ……

    Here at World Spinner we are debating the same thing……

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