Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution!

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Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution!

State and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution!

Distributing Voter Guides in Churches is Legal!

Statewide Guide for Judges, Constitutional Amendments, and Federal, State, and Some Local Races

Upcoming ProLife Events

To View this e-mail online, see http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/18/early-voting-starts-political-prolife-events-today/

State and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution!

2010 Christian Coalition State General Election Voter Guides are ready for distribution!

2010 Christian Coalition State General Election Voter Guides for all 67 Florida Counties are ready for distribution. Visit http://www.ccfla.org/guides.php to download and print the guides for your counties. Please print the voter guides and pass them out to your friends, family, and neighbors; ask your pastor and church leadership to pass out the voter guides at church; and let me know if your church is passing out the voter guides by commenting on this message online.

2010 Local General Election Voter Guides for Saint Lucie County are ready for distribution!

Visit http://www.flvotesvalues.com/voter_guides/fl/st_lucie_county/2010-slc-fl-general-voter-guide.pdf to download and print the voter guide. When viewing online, you can also click on each candidate’s answers to see his/her complete questionnaire. Please print the voter guides and pass them out to your friends, family, and neighbors; ask your pastor and church leadership to pass out the voter guides at church; and let me know if your church is passing out the voter guides by commenting on this message online. If you live in a county other than St Lucie and would like to produce a local voter guide, contact me by commenting on this message online.

Distributing Voter Guides in Churches is Legal!

It is fully legal for churches to pass out non partisan voter guides that inform their members about where the candidates stand on the issues. Visit (http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=16245#pastors) to learn what pastors and churches can legally do in regards to voter registration, voter guides, and other activities.

Statewide Guide for Judges, Constitutional Amendments, and Federal, State, and Some Local Races

Below are links to voter guides and my recommendations for the FL Supreme Court and 4th District Court of Appeals. In each, I explain the rationale behind my recommendations. For those living in other districts, refer to the United Chistians of Florida site. Please note that the United Christians of Florida and my Judicial voter guide is partisan. As such, distributing this information in churches would violate the Johnson Amendment to the IRS 501c3 code. Anyone considering passing partisan voter guides in church, should contact the Alliance Defense Fund prior to doing so at http://www.alliancedefensefund.org/. Churches may distributed non-partisan voter guides (such as the Christian Coalition voter guides) and may take positions supporting or opposing constitutional amendments and legislation legislation without jeopardizing their 501C3 tax exempt status. Visit (http://www.lc.org/index.cfm?PID=16245#pastors) to learn what pastors and churches can legally do in regards to voter registration, voter guides, and other activities.

Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/19/florida-and-local-christian-coalition-voter-guides-are-ready-for-distribution/

Florida Constitutional Amendment Recommendations http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/16/florida-constitutional-amendment-recomendations/

Florida Supreme Court and 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th District Court of Appeals Judges Up for Retention http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/21/florida-supreme-court-and-4th-district-court-of-appeals-judges-up-for-retention/

Saint Lucie County League of Women Voters’ Decision 2010 General Election Forum Video: http://stluciefl.iqm2.com/Citizens/VideoScreen.aspx?MediaURL=mms://Media2.IQM2.com/a1607/o21/StLucieFL/1742.wmv

Martin County Political Forum Audio: http://www.wpsl.com/audio/Martin%20County%20Forum%2010-6-10.MP3

Upcoming ProLife Events

40 Days for Life

It’s not too late to sign up to pray at home or at the abortuary, or fast during 40 Days. Nationwide, 317 women and children have been saved from the horrors of abortion! In Fort Pierce, abortion numbers are down! Sign up at www.40daysforlife.com/stlucie or jimthoma@comcast.net (772-240-6186). You can also RSVP at Facebook. We have over 100 people participating so far, but can always use more. Click here (http://www.sohltc.com/flyers/abortion-woman-preborn/Abortion-Prayer-Guidlines.pdf) for a list of guidelines for those involved with 40 Days for Life.

More ProLife Events and News

Visit http://www.SOHLTC.com for more prolife events and news.


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    • Regina Christiana on November 1, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    Christian conservative guides are indispensable in this age of “Hidden” candidates views and histories!

    I’ve not been able to find ANY information on the “Soil & water conservation candidates” anywhere.

    They are names and faces with NO information!!! I refuse to vote for candidates cloaked in a black shroud! So they windup elected by their cronies. I have no voice.

    Can you please help with this? What kind of people are they?

    Non-Partisan ballot choices should be required to include “NON OF THE ABOVE”. If they want to run “DARK”, then we should have the option of just saying no to the lot of them.

    we need LIGHT here.


  1. I’m sorry, but I don’t have any info on these candidates. If you find someone willing to produce a guide on the soil and water conservation candidates, let me know.
    Thank you.

  2. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  3. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  4. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  5. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  6. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  7. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  8. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  9. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  10. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  11. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  12. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  13. Dear Brian:

    Thank you million times for the voter's guide. We used your conservative guide and based on it, created our liberal guide which listed opposite candidates.

    Our liberal guide was distributed to all gay bars, and all gay web sites. This November, we made sure that all gay men and women of Florida knew which candidate to vote for.

    We did not have to do any research on our own. You did it for us.

    We won 2012 election: Obama remained in the white house, all three Florida supreme court justices remain and Allen West went to the rubbish of history.

    Thank you Brian, Zdenko in the name of all south Florida gay community.

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bryan Longworth and fearless, roxy swindoll. roxy swindoll said: Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! http://t.co/oThzs8t via @BryanLongworth” […]

  2. […] Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! http://bryanlongworth.com/2010/10/19/florida-and-local-christian-coalition-voter-guides-are-ready-fo… […]

  3. […] Florida Christian Coalition Voter Guides Ready to Distribute … Florida and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! State and Local Christian Coalition Voter Guides are Ready for Distribution! Distributing Voter Guides in Churches is Legal! Statewide Guide for Judges, … Jan 01, 1970 12:00am […]

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