Get out your property tax bill, and hold onto your wallet!

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Get out your property tax bill, and hold onto your wallet! Local taxing authorities are holding public meetings to determine how much of your hard earned dollars they’re going to take for their big government programs. Each taxing authority is required by law to hold two public hearing before setting the tax rate. The date and time of one of the hearings for each authority is published on your tax bill.

Property taxes have two components: property value and millage rate (or percentage of your property value they’re going to take). During the boom years when property values sky rocketed, politicians cut millage rates slightly, claiming they were cutting taxes, but budgets ballooned! Today, many are raising millage rates and claiming that they aren’t raising our taxes. While this is technically true, it’s also true that they were lying when they claimed they were cutting taxes by cutting the millage rate. It is also true that the budgets of local government are much too high.

I’m not against taxes, but I do believe they should be taxes that taxes should not violate scripture. I also believe in limited government, namely the chief purpose of government is to reward the righteous and punish the wicked (Romans 13). Hence, appropriate levels of police, courts, and defense are some of the few tasks government should take part, but they have no business doing most of what they do!

I also oppose property tax because it is unBiblical. Property taxed is based on the idea that the State holds title to the property and charges us for it’s use. In fact, the Bible says that the earth is the Lord’s! In the Bible, God establishes property rights and protects against confiscation by those who have power.

I encourage you to attend as many of these taxing authority meetings as possible. I would especially encourage you to attend the Final Budget Hearing of the St Lucie County Children’s Services Counsel. St Lucie’s CSC is set to give another $500,000 of your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider! I have opposed this funding for the past 5 years. Will you stand with me against this spending that is both wasteful and morally offensive? The CSC’s final budge hearing will be held one week from today at 5:00 PM at the Children’s Services Counsel’s Office at 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201, Port St Lucie, FL 34986, across from the Met’s Stadium. View a map here.

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