Category: Government

5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth

Our nation has been rocked with natural disasters with raging storms sweeping through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee, killing over 300 to date. Yet this is nothing new. Since that dreadful Roe v Wade decision and the ensuing millions upon millions of unborn babies that have been killed by “safe, legal” abortion on demand, we have seen ever increasing damage from natural disasters. From flooding in the Midwest, to earthquakes in the West and elsewhere, to wild fires, to hurricanes, to tornadoes, to ice storms, to drought. It is as if creation is groaning with birth pangs, eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:22). It is as if creation will not willingly put up with our futility and as if God is removing His restraining hand (Romans 8:19-21). It is as if the land were vomiting out its inhabitants as God warns in Leviticus 18 and 20.

1/16/11, Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, I Am My Brother’s Keeper

Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW, And Who is My Neighbor? Am I my brother’s keeper? What responsibilities do I have to my brother? Aside from the obvious responsibility to not harm my brother, I have the responsibility to

12/5/10 Sermon, Has the Government Exceeded Its Biblical Authority

We have seen ever increasingly the ever expanding role of government in America. This expansion has greatly accelerated in the last two years as President Barack Obama has aggressively pushed his radical, socialist agenda. But it’s not just the Federal Government that’s at fault. In Florida, someone who wants to paint someone’s fence has to go to four government offices in different locations and pay fees to get an occupational permit. You shouldn’t need the governments permission to work!
How did the founding fathers make it without permits? How did their houses stand up. How did they make it without welfare? How did they survive without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? How did they send their kids to college without government loans? How did they make it without government regulation?
Has the federal government exceeded the authority provided it by our nation’s founding fathers in the US Constitution? More importantly, has it exceeded the authority God gave it in His word, the Bible?

Happy Thanksgiving! 11/21/10 Sermon, Give Thanks to the Lord, America’s Christian Heritage

It is this time of year when we stop to give thanks to God, yet shouldn’t we praise Him throughout the year? Doesn’t he sustain us, especially when we are in need? Below you will find my Thanksgiving post, a video of my Thanksgiving sermon, and sermon notes below that. I hope you enjoy!

How the War on Poverty has Destroyed Fatherhood, the American Family, and Especially the Black Family and has Increased Poverty

In 1963, 93% of children were born to married parents. Today, the percentage has dropped to 59%. black families fare much worse. In 1963, 77% of black children were born to families with both a father and a mother. Today, nearly 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. The results have been devastating. Children born into single family homes are more than twice as likely to be

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