Category: Martin Coutny

Last Weekend to Register People to Vote


Time is running out to register voters for the General Election. To vote in the November 2nd election, a person must be registered by October 4th, and churches can legally register their members to vote and preach on Biblical principles as the apply to government.

With the potential for many Florida races to be decided by only a few votes, YOU can make a difference by organizing a voter registration drive in your church! This is an important election. Will we elect a new Governor and U.S. Senator in Florida who hold pro-life and pro-family convictions–or not?

Don’t Like What’s Happening in Government? Do Something About It!

Are you as tired as I am at seeing liberal candidates whose policies are destroying our cities, counties, states, and nation get elected? Are you tired of seeing your God given rights trampled? Are you tired of seeing good, conservative candidates and the values we hold dear lose? Then, you must turn off the TV, get off of your couch, and join me in campaigning for conservative candidates. I’ll tell you how you can be involved below, but first

Martin County FL Local Races – Support Conservative Candidates

Unfortunately, there is no values group in Martin Co. organized at the level of developing voters guides on local races like there is in Port St Lucie. However, please let me share my perspective on the local Martin Co. races. First there are no local values candidates per se running in Martin Co. I can only share how I voted and why. I shared this with my fellow Martin Co. pro-lifers who will probably take a different position on the Shekailo-Busha race.

We Need To Put Prayer Back in Public Schools

From the founding of our country, until the 1960s, the Bible, prayer, and the Ten Commandments played a significant role in our public school system. In the 1960s, the biggest problems schools faces were talking in class, chewing gum, and truancy. Today, our schools deal with drug and alcohol abuse, rampant sexual promiscuity (and the pregnancy, STIs – Sexually Transmitted Infections, and abortion that comes with such behavior), and violence, including rape, gang activity, and even mass murder.

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