Tag: No on Amendment 4

8 Days to Victory! Help Conservative Candidates Win!

We are only 8 Days away from victory! Time is running out! Conservatives need your help to win! Floridians need your help to get rid of liberal judges and to pass good amendments and defeat bad ones. A coalition of Tea Party Groups (the Treasure Coast Tea Party, the TEA Party Patriots of the Treasure Coast, and the Glenn Beck 9-12 Group of St Lucie County have joined together to actively support conservatives running for office and to oppose amendment 4. We need volunteers to fill two hour time slots at early voting polling locations to distributing courtesy cards. (Download a copy of the courtesy card here to pass out to your family, friends, neighbors, etc. here: http://bryanlongworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/2010-General-TEA-Party-Courtesy-Card.pdf)

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