Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Funding

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Pastor Bryan Longworth: Four years ago I stood in front of this council and asked them to defund Planned Parenthood, and I was actually the only one at that point; but, thankfully, Dr Hofstee was there with me and got fired up, and what started was just letting people know and informing people that the Children’s Services Council was funding the largest abortion provider. However, even if you would go back a year ago with all the people that we had that came out, I wouldn’t have said that we’d be standing here today and seeing that Planned Parenthood was defunded; however, I do give glory and honor to God for this victory. I believe that His presence was with us. I also want to recognize the work of Lila Rose, Live Action, Life Dynamics, and other organizations and individuals who have exposed Planned Parenthood for their involvement in covering up statutory rape, for their involvement in usurping parental notification laws, for their involvement in covering up the sex trade practices, and for their involvement in receiving donations specifically designated to target black babies abortion. This national focus that has been on Planned Parenthood is a huge part of this and is a huge part of why we have seen dozens of people, and often close to 100 people, and even 92 people in favor of cutting Planned Parenthood funding here today. So it was a combination of God’s blessing, the national focus, and the local people just rising up and putting a stop to this. It is fitting that the Children’s Services Counsel whose mission is to improve the quality of life for all children in St. Lucie County to end this funding, and it is fitting that they end this relationship with Planned Parenthood because frankly, Planned Parenthood was tarnishing their organization and tarnishing the good organizations that they fund. I would like to thank the Children’s Services Council, and thank their members, and board member Cynthia Angelos for being the first board member with the courage to propose that maybe we should look at another organization to fund, and thank the other board members for having the courage to pull this one group of funding and hold a special search for a replacement provider for this funding.

Now we can move forward, and we’re not 100% happy with the organizations chosen. Kids Connected by Design frankly, on sex education, does believe the same way as Planned Parenthood that sex is a rite of passage, and that every young person is going to have sex so you might as well give them condoms. What we would prefer is an authentic abstinence based program that does accurately reveal the danger of having sex using condoms and accurately show as government studies show that condoms fail to protect against HIV 15% of the time, fail to protect against pregnancy 25% of the time, fail to protect against Herpes, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis 40 – 50% of the time, and provide virtually no protection against the HPV virus which is the leading cause of cervical cancer which does kill over 4,000 women per year. We are thankful that the Children’s Services Counsel today did also fund the Boys and Girls Club for the after school program. The Boys and Girls Club program is 100% abstinence based as I understand it. That is a huge victory. It’s a huge victory first of all to see Planned Parenthood defunded. Second, it’s a huge victory to see a larger portion of the funding going to fund an authentic abstinence program. That is a huge victory for the taxpayers. It’s a huge victory for the children in Saint Lucie County.

Now we’ll open it up for any questions you may have.

Jay Meisel, Hometown News: What is your position now as far as the 2014 ballot referendum to continue or discontinue the Children’s Services Council?

Pastor Bryan Longworth: I made it clear to the Children’s Services Counsel, and maybe I didn’t make it clear enough today, but I have made it clear in the past that if they defund Planned Parenthood that we are not going to campaign against them in 2014. I don’t want to campaign against the Children’s Services Council. They do a fabulous job, and whether we believe that funding should be based on voluntary donations or whether we believe that funding should be derived from the government taking money out of every taxpayer’s wallet, that is one issue, but it’s really a small issue because the amount of tax is really a small amount, and there are a lot of other organizations who are taking out a lot more. We don’t really want to campaign against the Children’s Services Council because we do support the mission statement of the Children’s Services Council, and we do support the vast majority of the organizations that the Children’s Services Council does fund; so Sean, we won’t be running against you in 2014.

Sean Boyle, Executive Director of the Children’s Services Counsel: You’ll be supporting us.

Pastor Bryan Longworth: Well, we’ll see.

Sean Boyle, Executive Director of the Children’s Services Counsel: Come on. On record, say it.

Note from Pastor Bryan Longworth: In my address to the CSC board members during the meeting, I offered to forward all traffic from our site,, to the CSC’s site,, if the CSC chooses two authentic abstinence programs instead of one authentic abstinence program and one condom ed program. I also said that I would wear one of the CSC’s “Show a Child You Care” t-shirts to a St Lucie Mets baseball game. I also would offer to campaign for the Children’s Services Council in 2014 if they end all funding to programs that promote condoms as a safe way to have sex and replace them with authentic abstinence program.

For more information, read Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 in St. Lucie Tax Funding

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 Taxpayer Funding

Planned Parenthood Defunded!

Pastor Bryan Longworth is the number one ranked prolifer on Twitter @BryanLongworth, serves as the director of Personhood FL, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida Personhood Amendment that will end abortion in FL, as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth is a Wall Builders new Black Robe Regiment Pastor and a Family Research Council Watchmen on the Wall Pastor. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 55 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity!


4 pings

    • Anti-Woman, Anti-Baby on November 9, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    Unlike you, God loves women and children.

  1. Every Abortion harms women and kills a preborn baby girl or boy. Abortion kills at least 600,000 baby girls per year and has killed at least 27,500,000 baby girls since 1967. At least 14,000,000 of those would now be women had they not had their lives been brutally murdered. Anyone who claims to be pro-woman and pro-abortion, is not telling the truth. And in case you claim to be pro-choice and not pro-abortion, let me remind you that the choice you support is the choice for a woman to pay an abortionist money to rip the arms and legs off of her child and crush her skull.

  1. […] Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Fundin… […]

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