December 2010 archive

12/19/10 Sermon, O Holy Night, What Christ has Wrought for Us, Christmas Carol, Jesus, God

Living Nativity Manger Scene

O Holy Night was written in 1847 by Placide Cappeau as a Christmas Poem at the request of his parish priest in Paris France. The poem was later put to music by Adolphe Adam. The year the Christmas Carol was written is significant as we shall see when we look at verse three. Join us as we examine this carol and see how it preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ, God became flesh and dwelt among us.

Legislative Delegation Meeting Tomorrow and Friday! Hold Our State Senators and Representatives Accountable

The Legislative Delegation for St Lucie County is meeting tomorrow, and we need ProLife, Tea Party, and Values speakers to let their voices be heard. (The Delegation will also meet in Martin County Friday, December 16.) The other side will definitely be crying for more of your tax dollars, continued funding of Planned Parenthood, and more government program. The meeting time and agenda are

12/5/10 Sermon, Has the Government Exceeded Its Biblical Authority

We have seen ever increasingly the ever expanding role of government in America. This expansion has greatly accelerated in the last two years as President Barack Obama has aggressively pushed his radical, socialist agenda. But it’s not just the Federal Government that’s at fault. In Florida, someone who wants to paint someone’s fence has to go to four government offices in different locations and pay fees to get an occupational permit. You shouldn’t need the governments permission to work!
How did the founding fathers make it without permits? How did their houses stand up. How did they make it without welfare? How did they survive without Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security? How did they send their kids to college without government loans? How did they make it without government regulation?
Has the federal government exceeded the authority provided it by our nation’s founding fathers in the US Constitution? More importantly, has it exceeded the authority God gave it in His word, the Bible?

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Petitioning Conference Call

January 22 marks the anniversary of Roe v Wade. ProLifers throughout the state will remember the over 50,000,000 preborn children murdered by abortion in the US since that dreadful decision. Prolifers will participate in March for Life events and Prayer Vigils and pastors will preach Sanctity of Human Life sermons. Personhood Florida is planning a big push to gather personhood petitions in churches and at prolife events across Florida in January. During the conference call, we’ll present the plan and provide training on how you can help promote the personhood amendment in your church, city, and/or region.

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