March 2009 archive

Tax Tea Party Day – The Bible, Government, and Taxes – Who is America’s Financial Savior?

America is in the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression. Who will we turn to as our financial savior? Will we, like our founding fathers turn to God, or will we spurn the freedom their blood, sacrifice, and toil earned and turn to big government? In answering this question we must first look …

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There is no Fear of God Before Their Eyes

Sunday, March 8, in Maryville, IL, a pastor was gunned down while conducting a church service.  The same weekend, 4 shootings occurred on the streets of Ft. Pierce, Florida, most involving yound gang members and two resulting in death.  The words of the Psalmist (Psalm 36), echoed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 3 ring …

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Is Secular Humanism Neutral Concerning God and Religion

The issue is not whether schools will include religion or remain neutral. Secular Humanism as mentioned in the earlier posts is a religion! Charles Darwin is still one of the most revered secular humanists. Prior to Darwinian evolution, students were taught that they were created by God: hence, they believed their lives had a purpose. …

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We Need To Put Prayer Back in Public Schools

From the founding of our country, until the 1960s, the Bible, prayer, and the Ten Commandments played a significant role in our public school system. In the 1960s, the biggest problems schools faces were talking in class, chewing gum, and truancy. Today, our schools deal with drug and alcohol abuse, rampant sexual promiscuity (and the pregnancy, STIs – Sexually Transmitted Infections, and abortion that comes with such behavior), and violence, including rape, gang activity, and even mass murder.

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